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    Keepers of the Animals Audiocassette: Native American Stories/Cassettes

    Beschreibung Keepers of the Animals Audiocassette: Native American Stories/Cassettes. Native American storyteller Joseph Bruchac captivates the audience with these mythical stories.

    Buch Keepers of the Animals Audiocassette: Native American Stories/Cassettes PDF ePub

    Keepers of the Animals Audiocassette: Native American ~ Keepers of the Animals Audiocassette: Native American Stories/Cassettes: : Bruchac, Joseph, Caduto, Michael J.: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

    Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and ~ These traditional Native American stories along with related activities show parents and teachers how to teach children the importance of wildlife in Native American traditions. As the stories unfold and the activities come to life, the importance of our connections to animals became apparent. Features traditional Native American stories.

    The Native Stories from Keepers of the Animals von Joseph ~ The stories come from tribes across North America, each illustrated with a full-page line drawing and appropriate border designs. Providing an insider's knowledge and insight, Bruchac gives information about the people today and cites sources for additional versions of the stories. Introductions by Bruchac and Vine Deloria, Jr., set the tone and are important for understanding the messages of .

    : Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories ~ Joseph Bruchac, coauthor of The Keepers of the Earth series, is a nationally acclaimed Native American storyteller and writer who has authored more than 70 books of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for adults and children.He lives in upstate New York. Michael J. Caduto is an award-winning and internationally known author, master storyteller, poet, musician, educator, and ecologist.

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