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    The Hundredth Name

    Beschreibung The Hundredth Name. This picture book for young readers about family, friendship and faith is rich in the details of Middle Eastern village life. It tells the warm story of a bond between a father, a son, and the son’s favorite camel, as well as their devotion to the Muslim faith, and the power of prayer in their daily life. Salah and his camel, Qadiim, are constant companions: They work together, eat together, and sleep together. Salah is distressed, however, because his camel always seems so sad and downcast, hanging his head low. But in middle of one night, Salah remembers what his father has told him -- that while mankind knows only ninety-nine names for Allah, there are actually one hundred names. What if Qadiim, the camel, could learn the hundredth name? Under the stars Salah prays "to Allah with all his strength." The next day-- a seeming miracle! -- the camel Quadiim carries his head high with a most knowing look. Does Quadiim know the one hundredth name?Beautifully written by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim and complemented by illustrations by Michael Hays that portray the lush, verdant landscape of the Middle East – from the banks of the Nile to its luminous starlit nights -- here is a spiritual and touching story of an Islamic family. School Library Journal says: “Set in a Muslim village in Egypt, this tale of friendship and faith is warm and satisfying... (t)old with sincerity and dignity, this tale skillfully weaves together cultural and religious images... Hays's handsome acrylic-on-linen illustrations create a strong sense of place.”

    Buch The Hundredth Name PDF ePub

    The hundredth name : Shulamith Levey Oppenheim : Free ~ The hundredth name by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim. Publication date 1995 Topics Camels -- Fiction., Islam -- Fiction., Egypt -- Juvenile fiction., Egypt -- Fiction. Publisher Boyds Mills Press Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Notes. No page number in the book. Access-restricted-item .

    J. A. Kerley: The Hundredth Man (Carson Ryder - ebook ~ J. A. Kerley: The Hundredth Man (Carson Ryder, Book 1) - Sprache: Englisch. (eBook epub) - bei eBook

    The Hundredth Name: Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey, Hays ~ The Hundredth Name [Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey, Hays, Michael] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Hundredth Name

    The Hundredth Name by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim ~ About The Hundredth Name. This picture book for young readers, rich in the details of Middle Eastern village life, tells the warm story of a bond between a father, a son, and the son’s favorite camel, as well as their devotion to the Muslim faith, and the power of prayer in their daily life. Salah and his camel, Qadiim, are constant companions. They work together, eat together, and sleep together. Salah is distressed, however, because his camel always seems so sad and downcast, hanging his .

    The Hundredth Name by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim ~ "The Hundredth Name" written by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim is a great children's book to help introduce other religions or cultures. The story follows Salah and his camel Qadiim. The two of them do everything together, work, eat, even sleep. When Salah notices his camel isn't very happy, Salah becomes sad as well. His father always tells Salah "pray has great power," and after one night Salah .

    The Hundredth Name: A Gentle Tale of Friendship, Family ~ With this in mind, I was intrigued when a friend mentioned The Hundredth Name, describing it as a children’s book about a camel, prayer and the secret name of God. It seemed interesting and different enough to look up online – I found a used copy for a little more than the price of a cup of coffee and a few days later it arrived in the post. I opened the package to find a treasure of a .

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    Hundredth – Wikipedia ~ Geschichte. Hundredth wurden im Jahr 2008, nachdem sich eine Band mit dem Namen The Hundredth auflöste, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina gegrĂŒndet. Derzeit sind Chadwick Johnson (), Andrew Minervini (Rhythmusgitarre), Blake Hardman (Leadgitarre), John Paul Gressman und Matt Koontz in der Band aktiv.Das DebĂŒtalbum, When Will We Surrender, erschien am 30.

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