Beschreibung C.T. Studd (Christian Heroes: Then and Now). Endowed with rare determination and a wry sense of humor, C.T. Studd unceasingly pursued a life devoted to God. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. When challenged by near tragedy and the words of an atheist, the wealthy young man became a missionary of extreme devotion. Serving in China, India, and finally Central Africa, C.T. Studd was the first missionary to reach numerous tribes deep in the Congo. Together with the mission he founded, Worldwide Evangelization Crusade, this man who refused to retreat opened a way for Africans to hear the gospel for years to come.
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: C.T. Studd: No Retreat (Christian Heroes: Then ~ C. T. Studd spent over fifty years as a missionary and when doctors said that going as a missionary to such a savage region as Congo and Sudan would be the end of him that stuborn man would not gove in C. T. Studd 1861 - 1931 was no chovolate soldier Love this man
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