Beschreibung Ram the Demon Slayer: Classic Indian Stories for Children. An illustrated version of the classic Hindu epic the Ramayanaâą Presents the famous Hindu epic retold for Western children ages 6 to 9âą Fully illustrated with full-color paintings in traditional Indian styleLong ago, the story goes, the entire earth was overrun with demons. The ten-headed demon king Ravana had prayed to his grandfather, Lord Brahma, asking that he be granted immortality. And Brahma had granted his wish . . . almost. No god, demon, plant, or animal could harm Ravana, which allowed him to cause considerable damage as he and his demon army ransacked the earth. But Ravana was so scornful of humans he hadnât bothered to ask for protection from them. This omission would prove to be his downfall.With cries for help rising from every corner of the earth, the heavenly gods, Lords Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, decided that something had to be done to rid the world of the rampaging demons and restore peace and order. They decided that Vishnu should be incarnated upon the earth in the form of the virtuous prince Ram. As a human prince, albeit one who had help from the gods, he would be able to defeat the demon king.In Ram the Demon Slayer, readers follow Ram from his conception and birth through his training with sages and first successful demon battles to his marriage to the beautiful princess Sita and his final triumphant victory over the demon king. This beautifully illustrated retelling of the Ramayana makes accessible to Western children and their parents one of the favorite heroes of the Hindu tradition.
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Keshi (demon) - Wikipedia ~ Legend. Keshi's legend is recounted in the tenth Book of the Bhagavata Purana (between 500 CE - 1000 CE). Kamsa, the evil king of Mathura and the maternal uncle of Krishna, is destined to be killed by Krishna. In an attempt to avoid his death, Kamsa sends a series of demons to Gokula, where Krishna is staying with his foster-parents.After Krishna kills the bull demon Arishta, the divine sage .
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Ramayana / Summary, Characters, & Facts / Britannica ~ Ramayana, shorter of the two great epic poems of India, the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana was composed in Sanskrit, probably not before 300 BCE, by the poet Valmiki and in its present form consists of some 24,000 couplets divided into seven books.