Beschreibung The Magical Adventures of Krishna: How a Mischief Maker Saved the World (Classic Indian Stories for Children). Features Krishna, one of the most beloved characters of the Hindu pantheon, a spirited naughty boy who grows up to save the world • Based on original stories from India adapted for Western children • Illustrated throughout with glowing full-color paintings in traditional Indian style Long, long ago, the world was overrun by terrible demons. Even the Earth goddess, Bhumi, was unable to protect the land. She appealed to Vishnu, God of Preservation, who agreed to be born on Earth as Krishna, to save the world from destruction. Krishna is part superhero, part mischievous boy, and tales of his exploits--from childish pranks to death-defying demon slayings to his enchantment of the milkmaids--have delighted Indian children for centuries. Like every child, Krishna tries to be good, but his irrepressible high spirits lead him into any number of mischievous escapades. In the end, though, all of his adventures lead to a happy conclusion. His mother, Yashoda, loves him no matter what he does, reminding us that children who get all the love they need grow up strong and brave and ready to save the world. The glowing illustrations, executed in transparent watercolors and tempera paints, are done in a centuries-old method traditional to India. Richly detailed, they bring to life the colorful cast of characters--humans, gods, and demons alike.
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