Beschreibung Classic Tales from India: How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head and Other Stories. Eight beautifully illustrated traditional stories that immerse the reader in the ancient culture of India as well as impart important life lessons • Shares classic tales from India, including stories drawn from the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Puranas, translated by the authors • Illustrated throughout with glowing full-color paintings in traditional Indian style prepared according to the traditional Hindu canon With this full-color illustrated collection of classic tales from India, you will learn about the playful, loyal, strong, loving, and wise gods, goddesses, and heroes of India. You will discover how the deity Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, got his elephant head, how the goddess Parvati won the heart of the great god Shiva, and how the goddess Ganga came to Earth from Heaven in the form of the holy Ganges River. You will discover how Krishna’s childhood as superhero and mischievous boy prepared him to fulfill his destiny as an avatar of the god Vishnu. In two tales drawn from the Ramayana, you will learn about prince Ram and his victory over the ten-headed demon king Ravana and how the monkey-god Hanuman moved a medicine mountain to save Ram’s brother. In two stories from the famous epic the Mahabharata, you will discover how Karna became the greatest archer in the world to help good triumph over evil and how Arjuna compassionately fought his own cousins to bring peace to the kingdom of Hastinapur. The glowing illustrations, executed in transparent watercolors and tempera paints, are done in a centuries-old method traditional to India. Richly detailed, they bring to life the colorful cast of characters--humans, gods, and demons alike--and allow the reader to become immersed in the mystical world of ancient India.
Great stories about Lord Ganesha – Indian mythology ~ Ganesha, the pot bellied elephant god, loved food and could spend entire day, eating. Once on a moonlit night after stuffing himself with his favourite sweet, ladoo, he went for a ride on his vahana, a tiny rat. The rat could not bear his weight and tripped. Ganesha fell on the ground with a thud. The moon laughed,seeing this funny sight. Seeing the moon mocking him, Ganesha got angry. He .
Ganesha - Ancient History Encyclopedia ~ Ganesha is highly recognisable with his elephant head and human body . Ganesha's Adventures. A story which explains the god’s association with intelligence and wisdom is his competition with Karthikeya to be the first to marry. They set up a challenge that whoever could first encircle the Earth would also find a bride first. Not wasting a second, Karthikeya swiftly mounted his blue peacock
Bestseller: Die beliebtesten Artikel in Märchen ~ The Little Prince: A new translation of the beloved classic with restored original art . Classic Tales from India: How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head and Other Stories Vatsala Sperling. Taschenbuch. 17,99 € Erscheinungstermin: 7. Juli 2020 #31. The School for Good and Evil #6: One True King (English Edition) Soman Chainani. Kindle Ausgabe. 11,04 € Erscheinungstermin: 2. Juni 2020 #32 .
Ganesha - Angelfire ~ THE GANESHA STORY---- How Ganesha Got That Elephant Head. THERE ARE MANY STORIES ABOUT GANESHA WAS BORN AND HOW HE ENDED UP WITH THAT ELEPHANT HEAD. To find out more, click here. GANESHA'S WIVES---- A Hindu Story. ALTHOUGH IN MOST PARTS OF INDIA GANESHA IS CONSIDERED TO BE A BACHELOR, SOME HINDU'S BELIEVE OTHERWISE. According to one story, Ganesha actually has two wives, Riddhi and Siddhi .
Mythological anecdotes of Ganesha - Wikipedia ~ There are many anecdotes of Ganesha.Ganesha's elephant head makes him easy to identify. He is worshipped as the lord of beginnings and as the lord of removing obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and the god of intellect and wisdom. In his survey of Ganesha's rise to prominence in Sanskrit literature, Ludo Rocher notes that: . Above all, one cannot help being struck by the fact that the .
BBC - Religions - Hinduism: Ganesh Chaturthi ~ Ganesh is depicted with an elephant's head on a human body and in the Hindu tradition he is the son of Lord Siva and the Goddess Parvati. He is known as the Remover of Obstacles and is prayed to .
Ganesha / Meaning, Symbolism, & Facts / Britannica ~ Ganesha, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors. He is a remover of obstacles. The 10-day festival Ganesh Chaturthi is devoted to him. Learn more about Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha: his birth story, symbolism meaning and practice ~ Brahma soon returned with the head of a strong and powerful elephant, which Shiva placed onto Ganesha’s body. Breathing new life into him, he declared Ganesha to be his own son as well and gave him the status of being foremost among the gods, and leader of all the ganas (classes of beings), Ganapati. Meaning of the story of Ganesh. At first glance, this story just seems like a nice tale that .
Indian Mytholgical Stories - KidsGen ~ A collection of popular mythological stories that brings to you stories of gods and goddesses, divine feats, tyranny, treachery, bravery, sacrifice, love and friendship and above all - the battle between good and evil. Read and enjoy.
Ganesha, the Hindu God of Success - Learn Religions ~ Perturbed at this behavior, Parvati asks him the reason. Shanti replies that his looking at the baby would be fatal. But Parvati insists, and when Shanti looks at the baby, the child's head is severed. Distressed, Vishnu hurries to find a new head, returning with that of a young elephant. The head is attached to Ganesha's body and he is revived.
The Broken Tusk: Stories of the Hindu God Ganesha: Uma ~ Included among these classic stories are "Ganesha's Head", "The Broken Tusk", and "Why Ganesha Never Married". Most of the stories come from Hindu legend; one comes from Mongolia, where Ganesha made his way into the Buddhist tradition. The simple pen-and-ink illustrations support the themes and a helpful pronunciation guide and glossary are also included.
Folk Tales of India ~ Panchatantra Tales. The Panchatantra is a legendary collection of short stories from India. Originally composed in the 2nd century B.C, Panchatantra is believed to be written by Vishnu Sharma along with many other scholars. The purpose behind the composition was to implant moral values and governing skills in the young sons of the king. The .
Illustrated Mahabharata for Children: Indian Epic, Chandu ~ I find Indian culture fascinating and these stories are an important part of it. There's a fantastical quality to the entire story that makes it really interesting and gives it depth. Really nicely done, from beginning to finish, very pretty.
Ganesha's Sweet Tooth: Haynes, Emily, Patel, Sanjay ~ Ganesha is just like any other kid, except that he has the head of an elephant and rides around on a magical mouse. And he loves sweets, especially the traditional dessert laddoo. But when Ganesha insists on biting into a super jumbo jawbreaker laddoo, his tusk breaks off! Ganesha is terribly upset, but with the help of the wise poet Vyasa, and his friend Mr. Mouse, he learns that what seems .
Blind men and an elephant - Wikipedia ~ The parable of the blind men and an elephant originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused.It is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and who learn and conceptualize what the elephant is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a different part of the elephant's body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk.
Ganesha's Sweet Tooth: : Haynes, Emily, Patel ~ Ganesha is just like any other kid, except that he has the head of an elephant and rides around on a magical mouse. An he loves sweets, especially the traditional dessert laddoo. But when Ganesha insists on biting into a super jumbo jawbreaker laddoo, his tusk breaks off! Ganesha is terribly upset, but with the help of the wise poet Vyasa, he learns that what seems broken can actually be quite .
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling - Free Ebook ~ Just So Stories Contents: How the whale got his throat -- How the camel got his hump -- How the rhinoceros got his skin -- How the leopard got his spots -- The elephant's child -- The sing-song of Old Man Kangaroo -- The beginning of the armadillos -- How the first letter was written -- How the alphabet was made -- The crab that played with the sea -- The cat that walked by himself -- The .
Ram the Demon Slayer: Classic Indian Stories for Children ~ Ram the Demon Slayer: Classic Indian Stories for Children / Sperling, Vatsala, Weltevrede, Pieter / ISBN: 9781591430575 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Ganesha's Sweet Tooth: : Haynes, Emily ~ Ganesha is just like any other kid, except that he has the head of an elephant and rides around on a magical mouse. And he loves sweets, especially the traditional dessert laddoo . But when Ganesha insists on biting into a super jumbo jawbreaker laddoo , his tusk breaks off!
Ganesha - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ Lord Shiva sent his army to go find a head for Ganesha. His army came back with an elephant head. His image. Any picture, image or portrayal in any form of Ganesha generally has the following characteristics or features: He has the head of an elephant. He is shown with a big body, showing that the entire universe is inside him. His colour is .
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Around the World in Eighty Days Modern Library Classics ~ Around the World in Eighty Days (Modern Library Classics) / Verne, Jules, Sterling, Bruce, Towle, George M. / ISBN: 9780812968569 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Famous American Folktales & Stories from A to Z ~ Blackbeard's ghost continues to walk the shores on the Pamlico Sound, searching for his head. Bleeding Sink A college bathroom is locked up after a tragedy The Bloodstain A murdered man haunts the house where he was killed. The Bloody Knife Many and many a year ago, two Micmac warriors from rival villages got into a terrible argument. Harsh .
History Of India - Facts, Timelines, Events, Personalities ~ He is considered to be one of the greatest warriors of his time and even today, stories of his exploits are narrated as a part of the folklore. King Shivaji used the guerrilla tactics to capture a part of, the then, dominant Mughal empire. Ancient India. The History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans .
Stories for children, folktales, fairy tales and fables ~ People have been telling each other fairy tales since ancient times. A very significant literature genre, fairy tales are present in all cultures around the world. In comparison to myths and legends, the time and place of occurrence in fairy tales are not defined. The characteristics of fairy tales include the appearance of fantastic elements in the form of talking animals, magic, witches and .