Beschreibung Chinese Zodiac Animals. Children will love to learn all about their Chinese zodiac animal with this great multicultural book for kids.Which Chinese zodiac animal are you? A clever rat? A brave tiger? A hardworking ox? Or an energetic dragon?In ancient China, each sign marked a different year in a 12-year calendar. Over time, people believed that a person's character and destiny were somehow decided by his or her zodiac animal. Chinese Zodiac Animals explains the traits of each animal sign and what luck the future might hold for the person born under that sign. Chinese Zodiac Animals is a fun and informative way to learn about an important part of Chinese traditional culture.
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Story of the 12 Animals in Chinese Zodiac / CozyChinese.COM ~ The real story of the chinese zodiac is that god decided to have a banquet to celebrate the year and he invited all the animals to come and join him, (1)Rat, (2)Cat, (3)Tiger, (4)Hare, (5)Dragon, (6)Snake, (7)Horse, (8)Ram, (9)Monkey, (10)Rooster, (11)Dog, (12)Boar, (13)Ox.Anyway the party was supposed start the following evening, but the rat decided to play a trick of the cat, he told the cat .
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