Beschreibung Oni and the Kingdom of Onion. Despite their differences in shapes, sizes, and colors, the ingredients in a salad work together to create a healthy meal. Oni and the Kingdom of Onion teaches respect, tolerance, diversity, caring, and sharing. Rabbi Marc Rubenstein focuses on the main character of Oni, an onion. Oni’s vegetable friends in the refrigerator talk to one another about how people fight and sometimes can't get along before talking about the origins of the first Hanukkah and the importance of religious history. Oni and the Kingdom of Onion is the first children’s book to address the accurate historical truth of the first Hanukkah. Children love and identify with Oni and parents appreciate that the story stresses healthy eating and core values. Through Oni’s story, children are encouraged to be accepting of others and work towards common goals, all while learning about an important religious holiday. Children and parents alike enjoy learning about Oni, a remarkable onion, and how in a divided world, we can all come together as one.
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Oni and the Kingdom of Onion eBook by Marc Rubenstein ~ Read "Oni and the Kingdom of Onion" by Marc Rubenstein available from Rakuten Kobo. This beautifully illustrated childrenâs book tells the story of vegetables in a refrigerator who learn about accepting o.
: Oni and the Kingdom of Onion (9781642790573 ~ Oni and the Kingdom of Onion is the first childrenâs book to address the accurate historical truth of the first Hanukkah. Children love and identify with Oni and parents appreciate that the story stresses healthy eating and core values. Through Oniâs story, children are encouraged to be accepting of others and work towards common goals, all while learning about an important religious .
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