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    Ymira, A Jarl's Tale: Viking ABC Coloring Book

    Beschreibung Ymira, A Jarl's Tale: Viking ABC Coloring Book. This adventurous tale across the snowy Scandinavian landscape has a funny twist and a surprise ending! Learn ancient words and loads of viking fun facts. In this Viking ABC coloring book you'll find loads of pages to color, some simple, others rich with details. The little ones will have fun with the image hunt. Try the hard word search puzzle to find 20 words the vikings used. This is a light hearted introduction to the way of the Viking's. May your ancestors be praised.

    Buch Ymira, A Jarl's Tale: Viking ABC Coloring Book PDF ePub

    Ymira, A Jarl's Tale: Viking ABC Coloring Book: ~ Ymira, A Jarl's Tale: Viking ABC Coloring Book / Johnson, Jimmy Lee / ISBN: 9781651740446 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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