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    Best of French Fairy Tales

    Beschreibung Best of French Fairy Tales. The tales in this book do not have one common author—these are French folk stories composed by French people over many centuries. This book presents the best fairy tales of France, which have never appeared in this printed translation before. This book contains the following 47 French folk tales: 1. The Small People. 2. The Soup Whip. 3. The Clever Girl. 4. Léon the Dog and Praline the Cat. 5. The Straw and the Tar. 6. The Giant Frog. 7. Where’s the Second Turkey?8. Jean and Jacques Catch the Moon. 9. The Old Man and the Tree. 10. Sea of Tulips. 11. How Many Legs Does the Goose Have?12. Pierre and His Dog. 13. The Dragon from Tarascon. 14. The King’s Lace. 15. Ball of Wool. 16. Why the Rabbit Does Not Talk. 17. The Large Stove. 18. The Lost Compote. 19. Three Artful Sons. 20. The Careless Wife. 21. The Cherry Tree. 22. Two Old Soldiers. 23. Bernique! Bernaque!24. How the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun. 25. The Boys of Mayenne. 26. The Dog and the Moon. 27. An Incident in the Bois de Boulogne. 28. The Bird Named It’s Mine. 29. The Little Bird. 30. The Eagle and the Cock. 31. The Maid and the Princess. 32. The Mean Joker. 33. The Poor Widow, Her Son, and Cabécou the Goat. 34. The Pilot from Boulogne. 35. Life before Birth. 36. Captain La Ramée’s Adventures. 37. How Sheep Crossed the River. 38. Vivienne and the Sun. 39. Jean the Fool. 40. The Beautiful Princess, the Brave Kitten, and the Dragon. 41. The King’s Counsellor. 42. How the Caterpillar Turned into a Butterfly. 43. The Bear and the Fox. 44. The Fox and the Tit. 45. The Hedgehog and the Chestnut Shell. 46. Biron. 47. Jean the Thumbling, the Wolf, and the Robbers. This book does not contain scenes of violence or shocking plots. The book includes more than 100 illustrations.

    Buch Best of French Fairy Tales PDF ePub

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