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    The Call (Cosmic Driftwood: Immortalim, Band 1)

    Beschreibung The Call (Cosmic Driftwood: Immortalim, Band 1). The Future of the Nine Realms now rests in the paws of Ela and his friends. What begins as a set of simple rituals evolves into a summons of divine beings who bestow upon them the Power of Immortalim. But soon they realize that Fate may hold for them a disturbing destiny… The first tale of the Immortalim trilogy begins as the first chronological account of the grand saga of Cosmic Driftwood. An origin story of humbling yet epic proportions, this narrative is sure to inspire and incite reverence for the influences of good that come even in the darkest of moments... Young Adult-age Fantasy. Inspired by the works of Brian Jacques, Richard Bach, Stan Lee, and M. I. McAllister. Includes "Anthro-zoomophic" creatures, not unlike the movie “Zootopia”, but with a more selective base of species, incorporating additional races unknown to Earth, with vastly different cultures. The entire series encompasses a complex history of Nine Planets scattered across a 30 Light-year radius around the Sol System and throughout several neighboring dimensional planes. A total of 19 Books are planned: The Immortalim Trilogy discusses the earliest events and origins of the godlike Immortalims who oversee the developments of all the Realms, but with minimal contact with Earth; the "Highest Crown" Trilogy covers events of the Last Protege of "Thor" the Traveler, who journeys through the Realms to prepare various individuals for the coming events of Ragnarok; The "Quantum Gnosis" Trilogy explores events from a select sector of space outside Yggdrasil's branches following the events of "Eternities Reach" of "Currenteers"; and "Currenteers" spans nine novels, following the crew of the Lasmarine as they chart the regions of Great Cosmic Tree.Author's Note: "Frankly, the events of each book, as well as the series as a whole, is pretty incredible in the far-fetched sense. I don't predict much 'neutral treatment' of my works. You'll probably love it; probably be weirded out; probably hate me at times; high chance you may think I'm off my rocker. I know some of my family members are baffled at my exploration of the realities; and many people I've talked with strongly advised against the use of animal characters 'because they are harder for humans to relate to.' Essentially, I think it will take a special kind of reader to dive in to this. Whether you are that kind of reader is entirely up to you. If you love it, please leave a review as to why! If you hate it, I welcome your honest criticism; both will bring the series out of obscurity either way. At the very least, my hope is that at least one of the works of Cosmic Driftwood will strengthen the love of reading for someone out there. But as with many who add their published works to the internet, it would certainly be nice to have my series added to the plethora of others who have their own unique and awesome Geek Cultures. For the record, this is NOT the "Next Harry Potter" or "Next Redwall series". Though it takes inspiration from many of those Geek groups, this is its own thing. It might flop; It might see glorious things. In the end, that's the power of YOU, the Reader, to determine its destiny! My power as an author, as a Tale Master, is to give you yet another choice among thousands if not millions of other options. Good Luck in whatever you decide."

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    The Call (Cosmic Driftwood: Immortalim Book 1) (English ~ The Call (Cosmic Driftwood: Immortalim Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: McDonald, M.A., Bateman, Foster: : Kindle-Shop

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