Beschreibung The Granny JJ Adventures Volume 2: She back!. Time fuh buss a laff when yuh read wha Granny get up to!Granny JJ has ten children, lots of grandchildren - and should be relaxing in her old age. But she can't! She won't! Not while there are vexing crimes going on in the local Guyana villages - and no-one is solving them.So, she'll have to do it!Can she solve the case of the Portable Parking Meters? Where IS the Skulking schoolboy going?By popular demand Granny JJ is back!Seven new stories, each one written in phonetic Guyanese Creole - and with great love for Guyana!There's hand-crafted and hillarious pictures of Guyanese life, Proverbs and a list of special words in case you don't remember them.But don't worry - if you can read English then you can read what Granny JJ says!Here's what other readers are saying about Volume 2:"Granny JJ strikes again! A great collection of humorous stories, sending a strong message - behave in life and be good, or get caught and pay for it! Granny JJ solves the crimes and always has words of wisdom at the end of each story. My personal favourite is 'De case of de disappearing bandit'. Very clever. Would definitely recommend a read.""After reading the first book that my daughter couldn’t put down she was eager to read this book and wasn’t disappointed at all, she loved all the adventures and hopes there will be more to come. "In this release of Volume 2 you'll get:.Granny JJ and The Case of the Portable Parking Meters.Granny JJ and the Case of the Skulking Schoolboy.Granny JJ and the Case of the Double Bus Driver.The case of the Disappearing Bandit.The Case of the Fake Holy Spirit.The Case of the Super Secret SingerDe Oil Well in de YardGranny JJ Volume one is available to buy now. It has nine stories and has been favorably reviewed by an award-winning author; the High Commissioner of Guyana - and people from Guyana and the Caribbean love it! It's going into the Guyanese education system this year!The authors even got a letter from the President of Guyana (really!)Scroll up and click BUY NOW - and begin your fun adventure now!
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