Beschreibung The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw. ENGLISH & SPANISH PICTURE BOOK The Adventures of Mr. Macaw is a story full of imagination, magic, and wonder. It has colorful illustrations, featuring both English and Spanish on every page. This book strengthens reading skills with its bilingual format and is ideal for helping 4-8 year olds with foreign language comprehension. Countless school districts, teachers and parents are using the book as a valuable learning tool.THE ADVENTURES OF MR. MACAW, LAS AVENTURAS DEL SR. MACAW: Featuring 41 pages of vibrant, beautiful illustrations, this storybook shares the adventurous story two boys and their grandpa’s magical kite. CLASSIC STORY FEEL: This tale, told in English and Spanish, captures a child's interest, page after page, as it takes their imagination on a magical journey. Follow the adventure as Mr. Macaw gets swept away in a tropical storm in Mexico. The boys soon discover all is not lost and get to see the big heart of abuelito’s old village.FEATURES: Families get to see Latinx characters featured in the book. With English and Spanish text side-by-side, this easy-to-follow bilingual story is an excellent resource for strengthening reading skills. With its unique format, this storybook for children is ideal for helping early readers with foreign language comprehension.FAMILY STORYTIME: Reading bilingual stories together is a great way to bond with your child while also fostering communication, teaching them about diversity, understanding, and a lifelong love for reading.ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Leticia Ordaz is an Emmy-nominated anchor/reporter in Sacramento, California. She's covered some of the biggest stories in the country. As a Latina mother of two Spanish-speaking boys, she sees the importance of having more bilingual books for them and other children to choose from. After spending countless nights translating picture books to her children in Spanish, Leticia decided it was time to write her own stories for the world to read. She wants her sons to be proud of their Latinx culture and find children who look like them represented in more picture books. THE ADVENTURES OF MR. MACAW is her first book, and she’s excited to share bilingual stories with children around the world. Leticia hopes to break barriers and change statistics that currently show there are only 5% Latinx authors and illustrators in the U.S. ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Cielito Lindo Books pledges to always publish books that are respectful towards the various Latinx communities that exist while still providing children content to see themselves in. Cielito Lindo Books creates picture books for educators and families who are native speakers, those looking to learn Spanish or for those who see the importance of exposing students, children, or grandkids to diverse literature.Find out more
: The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del ~ THE ADVENTURES OF MR. MACAW, LAS AVENTURAS DEL SR. MACAW: Featuring 41 pages of vibrant, beautiful illustrations, this storybook shares the adventurous story two boys and their grandpa’s magical kite. CLASSIC STORY FEEL: This tale, told in English and Spanish, captures a child's interest, page after page, as it takes their imagination on a magical journey. Follow the adventure as Mr. Macaw .
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Bilingual Book (English and Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by Ordaz, Leticia, Popova, Yana. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Bilingual Book (English and Spanish .
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Bilingual Book (English and Spanish Edition) eBook: Ordaz, Leticia, Popova, Yana: : Kindle Store
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The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ macaw, las aventuras del sr. MACAW: Featuring 41 pages of vibrant, beautiful illustrations, this storybook shares the adventurous story two boys and their grandpa's magical kite. CLASSIC STORY FEEL: This tale, told in English and Spanish, captures a child's interest, page after page, as it takes their imagination on a magical journey.
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Ordaz, Leticia, Popova, Yana: 9781733294225: Books - .ca
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ Compre The Adventures of Mr. Macaw: Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Bilingual Book (English and Spanish Edition) (English Edition) de Ordaz, Leticia, Popova, Yana na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw (Best Children's Book: English ~ THE ADVENTURES OF MR. MACAW, LAS AVENTURAS DEL SR. MACAW: Featuring 38 pages of vibrant, beautiful illustrations, this 10" x 11" storybook shares the adventurous story two boys and their grandpa’s magical kite. CLASSIC STORY FEEL: This tale, told in English and Spanish, captures a child's interest, page after page, as it takes their imagination on a magical journey. Follow the adventure as .
The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw ~ The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw: Popova, Yana, Ordaz, Leticia: .nl
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Vol. 20 Num. 11 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! KCRA news anchor tells ~ por su cuenta “ Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw,” que se publicó en marzo. La historia se inspiró en hechos reales de-rivados de unas vacaciones familiares en México, donde su amada cometa se soltó un día en un huracán que se acer-caba y fue encontrada en una palmera y liberada por los aldeanos que se uni-eron para ayudar. “Me dio la oportunidad de mostrar el espíritu de los aldeanos .