Beschreibung Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird. Alida lives in paradise, so what could go wrong? When she meets a boy from the opposing tribe, their friendship quickly blossoms into something more. ...What will happen if someone discovers their forbidden love?With all the magic of a Disney fairytale, the Secret of the Hummingbird is sure to capture the hearts of children and adults alike. You won’t just enjoy the story, you will feel like a part of it. Created by an elementary teacher to educate and inspire, children will love learning about the Taíno culture through the retelling of their indigenous folklore, bringing an ancient cultureー and a young loveーto colorful life.
Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird: ~ Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird: : Weber, Vicky, Melnyk, Olha: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird: ~ Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird: : Weber, Vicky, Tbd: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird - Kindle ~ Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird - Kindle edition by Weber, Vicky, Melnyk, Olha. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird.
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Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird by Vicky Weber ~ Taíno Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird 28. by Vicky Weber, Olha Melnyk (Illustrator), TBD. Hardcover $ 18 . “Taino Tales: The Secret of the Hummingbird by Vicky Weber is a beautiful story that tells young readers about how the hummingbird came to be in Taino legend. Olha Melnyk's colorful and vivid images breathe life into the characters and the story and give it a good pace and .
The Golden Flower: A Taíno Myth from Puerto Rico (Piñata ~ The Golden Flower: A Taíno Myth from Puerto Rico (Piñata Books) - Kindle edition by Jaffe, Nina, Sánchez, Enrique O.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Golden Flower: A Taíno Myth from Puerto Rico (Piñata Books).
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