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    Tashi and the Genie

    Beschreibung Tashi and the Genie. Adventurous little Tashi is granted three wishes after encountering a sly genie hiding in an old bowl, in this fourth installment of the Tashi series. Both Tashi and his friend Jack are flabbergasted, however, when Tashi&;s wishes don't quite turn out as he hopes, leaving Tashi face to face with the evil warlord he escaped in his very first adventure. This time the warlord has captured children, and in order to rescue them, Tashi needs to stay one step ahead of the villain's devious plans. Tashi&;s cleverness will ultimately triumph, teaching young readers about the advantage of brains over brawn.

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    Tashi and the Genie by Anna Fienberg - Goodreads ~ Adventurous little Tashi is granted three wishes after encountering a sly genie hiding in an old bowl, in this fourth installment of the Tashi series. Both Tashi and his friend Jack are flabbergasted, however, when Tashi’s wishes don't quite turn out as he hopes, leaving Tashi face to face with the evil warlord he escaped in his very first adventure. This time the warlord

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    Tashi and the Genie - teronasu.bitbucket.io ~ Tashi and the Genie / Doc < A3NLN78JNC Tashi and the Genie By Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg Allen Unwin, Australia, 2007. Paperback. Book Condition: New. Kim Gamble (illustrator). 196 x 127 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book. The flying carpet bucked like a wild horse - trying to throw me off. .Jack is bursting to hear Tashi s fantastic stories about the sly genie and his three wishes .

    Watch Tashi S01:E05 - Tashi & the Genie Free TV / Tubi ~ Tashi and Jack return to the chaos and must track down the lazy genie. S01:E52 - Tashi & Jack As Jack writes home of his adventures with Tashi, he recalls his arrival from the lowlands to the Village: As Tashi and the village prepare for cousin Jack's arrival, little do they know that Jack is also bringing with him an angry Swan and even angrier Dragons!

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