Beschreibung Buddhist Texts Through the Ages. This unique anthology of Buddhist scriptures traces the development of Buddhism through the ages and around the world. Designed to serve scholars and students alike, this classic text has become a valuable resource for Buddhists and all those who wish to explore for themselves the original sources of one of the world's great religions. Accessible and jargon-free, these translations from the original Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese are presented in plain English by four leading experts on the language and literature of Buddhism, while a glossary of foreign terms completes a thoroughly comprehensive and timeless introduction to the subject.
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Buddhist texts through the ages. Newly translated from the ~ Buddhist texts through the ages. Newly translated from the original Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese, and Apabhramsa by Conze, Edward, 1904-1979. Publication date 1964 Topics Buddha (The concept) -- Sacred books, Buddhism -- Sacred books, Buddha (The concept), Buddhism Publisher New York : Harper & Row Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks Digitizing sponsor Kahle .
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Buddhist Texts Through the Ages (Paperback) / Hudson ~ Edward Conze presents the premier anthology of Buddhist texts and scriptures in this stunningly ambitious collection. He traces the development of Buddhism through the ages, with translations from the original Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese. For those looking for the perfect companion to Conze's original text, Buddhism, or for those new to Buddhist theology, Buddhist Texts .
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Buddhist Texts through the Ages by Edward Conze ~ The blurb of this book promises the following: "This unique anthology of Buddhist scripture traces the development of Buddhism through the ages and around the world. Designed to serve scholars and students, this classic text has become a valuable resource for Buddhists and all those who wish to explore for themselves the original sources of one of the world's great religions.
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Saraha – Wikipedia ~ A Study in the History of Buddhist Thought. University of Washington Press, Seattle/London 1969. David Snellgrove: Saraha’s Treasury of Songs. In: Edward Conze: Buddhist Texts through the Ages. Philosophical Library, New York 1954. (Deutsch: Im Zeichen Buddhas. Buddhistische Texte. Fischer Bücherei, Frankfurt am Main / Hamburg 1957.)