Beschreibung Forty Steps Closer to God: A Book of 40 Hadith with Commentary for Young Muslim Adults. Read about the wise ways of Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). "Forty Steps Closer to God" is a must-read for all Muslim teenagers. It contains a careful selection of forty hadith that present the mode of life of the Holy Prophet (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who God chose to be the perfect example for humankind. The selected forty hadith were chosen to provide both examples of Prophet Muhammad’s (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) relationship with God as well as his relationship with his fellow beings. Adopting the habits demonstrated in these forty hadith would not only bring one closer to God but would also lead to more peaceful societies.Written for high-school and college-aged students, covering a variety of interesting and essential topics, with clear and concise explanations on each hadith, and study questions to further the reader's knowledge, this pocket guide would be ideal for a book club or religious study group.
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