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    HADITH, THE WAY OF LIFE: (Islamic books for kids)

    Beschreibung HADITH, THE WAY OF LIFE: (Islamic books for kids). A unique book that discusses values of life along with 17 ahadith, with finger-painted illustrations which are child-friendly and relatable to young minds. Children can understand that each random act has great value in Islam. Helping with chores, showing love towards kith and kin, caring for others, helping out, unity, respecting elders, kindness, cleanliness are some of the random acts children do every day. But how will it be for them to know that these acts were appreciated by the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and will be rewarded too?

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    HADITH, THE WAY OF LIFE: (Islamic books for kids) (English ~ HADITH, THE WAY OF LIFE: (Islamic books for kids) (English Edition) eBook: Zaneer, Zeneefa, Zaneer, Zeneefa: : Kindle-Shop

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