Beschreibung My Muslim Faith: My Faith. Age Range 9 - 12 years My Muslim Faith is one of 6 titles that introduce the young reader to the basic beliefs and rituals of the 6 main world religions. The author and photographer have followed the life of a young girl as she practices her faith with her family. Sensitive questions about the religion are posed by other children, that allow for accurate and clear responses. Special care has been taken to include all of the conventions of real non-fiction titles including a contents page and glossary. A clever dual text technique combines running text with speech bubbles drawing in both the less confident and the confident reader.
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It's Not About the Burqa: Muslim Women on Faith, Feminism ~ A notion that doesnât actually exist in Islam. As someone who has anxiety, itâs a topic close to my heart and one that I still have difficulty discussing with people and going to a counsellor who doesnât really understand my faith means it isnât always helpful. "My mental illness does not define me. It might change my mood at times, but .
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