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    The Ogress and the Snake and Other Stories from Somalia (Folktales from Around the World)

    Beschreibung The Ogress and the Snake and Other Stories from Somalia (Folktales from Around the World). For millennia, Somalia has been crossed and recrossed by camel caravans of merchants, bringing with them stories such as "The Good Prince," in which a kindhearted prince conquers the evil magic of a beautiful sorceress, and "The Ogress and the Snake," a Somali Hansel and Gretel story about five little girls, abandoned in the desert, who take refuge in the house of a man-eating ogress. Elizabeth Laird heard many of these tales in Jigjiga, the capital of Ethiopia's Somali region. She gathers together the finest of them in The Ogress and the Snake and Other Stories from Somalia. The stories abound with colorful characters — Deya Ali, the greedy trickster fox; Kabaalaf the shopkeeper, crooked as a jug-handle, who meets his match in the slippery Hirsi; and the miraculous (and bodyless) Head, whose magic powers conjure up a talking camel and bring him a princess. These and the other magical tales in this delightful collection are the perfect introduction to a fascinating and little-known country.

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    The Ogress And The Snake And Other Stories From Somalia ~ the ogress and the snake and other stories from somalia folktales from around the world By Enid Blyton FILE ID 7587b7 Freemium Media Library The Ogress And The Snake And Other Stories From Somalia Folktales From Around The World PAGE #1 : The Ogress And The Snake And Other Stories From Somalia Folktales From Around The World By Enid Blyton - for millennia somalia has been crossed and recrossed .

    The Ogress and the Snake and Other Stories from Somalia ~ For millennia, Somalia has been crossed and recrossed by camel caravans of merchants, bringing with them stories such as "The Good Prince," in which a kindhearted prince conquers the evil magic of a beautiful sorceress, and "The Ogress and the Snake," a Somali Hansel and Gretel story about five little girls, abandoned in the desert, who take refuge in the house of a man-eating ogress.

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    The Ogress and the Snake: and Other Stories from Somalia ~ The Ogress and the Snake: and Other Stories from Somalia (Folktales from Around the World) by Elizabeth Laird(2009-11-24) / Elizabeth Laird / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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