Beschreibung Up and Down the Andes. This rhyming text takes readers from Lake Titicaca all the way to the city of Cusco for the highly popular Inti Raymi festival, celebrated in June each year.
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Up and Down the Andes: : Laurie Krebs, Aurelia ~ Up and Down the Andes / Laurie Krebs, Aurelia Fronty / ISBN: 9781846862045 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Up and Down the Andes by Laurie Krebs (2008-10-13): ~ Up and Down the Andes by Laurie Krebs (2008-10-13) / Laurie Krebs / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Download Kindle # Up and Down the Andes ~ Up and Down the Andes, Laurie Krebs, Aurelia Fronty, This rhyming text travels from Lake Titicaca all the way to the city of Cusco for the marvellous Inti Raymi Festival. Young readers meet children from many areas of southern Peru who are travelling to the festival, each using a different mode of transport. It includes useful notes on the history and culture of Peru. It comes from the .
Up and Down the Andes: A Peruvian Festival Tale by Laurie ~ Up and Down the Andes provides a delicious tale by Laurie Krebs seasoned with Fronty’s vibrant illustrations. A delight from cover to cover, this trek through the Andes of Peru invites readers to join in the Festival of the Sun God (Inti Raymi). The warm tones in text and picture bring together the reader with other children as they employ various modes of transportation to attend the .
Up and Down the Andes: Laurie Krebs, Aurelia Fronty ~ And up and down the Andes There are children just like me.” I am an adoptive-mother-to-be of two Peruvian children, and I have been looking for books to add to my home library. This is one of my favorite children’s books about Peru so far. In fun rhyming text, the story shows all of the different kinds of people and places that make up Peru .
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