Beschreibung Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent (Father of Lies Chronicles, Band 1). When he moves to Dublin, Arthur has premonitions about a great evil that threatens the world and soon finds himself up against the trickster Viking god Loki and the World Serpent.
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Download PDF: Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent by Alan ~ Download EBOOK Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent PDF for free. Category: Children's Books The author of the book: Alan Early ISBN-13: 9781856358279 Edition: The Mercier Press Ltd Date of issue: 30 March 2012 Format files: PDF, EPUB The size of the: 415 KB Language: English: Description of the book "Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent": Something wicked has awoken under the streets of Dublin .
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Alan Early - Wikipedia ~ Alan Early is an Irish writer known for his trilogy series, the Father of Lies Chronicles.The series' name was changed for a 2014 omnibus release, which titled it as the Arthur Quinn and the Father of Lies Trilogy.. He grew up in Mohill, County Leitrim.He studied in the National Film School at DĂșn Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
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