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    Junior Judaica: Encyclopaedia Judaica for Youth

    Beschreibung Junior Judaica: Encyclopaedia Judaica for Youth. A magnificent 6 volume encyclopaedia packed with essential information for your family. 1100 pages. 2000 illustrations. Comprehensive index and users guide.

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    Junior Judaica: Encyclopaedia Judaica for Youth: ~ Junior Judaica: Encyclopaedia Judaica for Youth: : Posner, Raphael, Rabbi Dr.: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

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    Encyclopaedia Judaica - Wikipedia ~ The Encyclopaedia Judaica is a 22-volume English-language encyclopedia of the Jewish people and of Judaism.It covers diverse areas of the Jewish world and civilization, including Jewish history of all eras, culture, holidays, language, scripture, and religious teachings.As of 2010, it had been published in two editions accompanied by a few revisions.

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    Encyclopaedia Judaica – Wikipedia ~ Deutschsprachige „Encyclopaedia Judaica“ (1928–1934) Die erste Encyclopaedia Judaica erschien seit 1928 in Berlin im Verlag Eschkol von Nahum Goldmann.Herausgeber waren Jakob Klatzkin und Ismar Elbogen.Deren Erscheinen musste nach 10 von 15 deutschsprachigen (A–Lyra) BĂ€nden infolge der MachtĂŒbergabe an die Nationalsozialisten eingestellt werden, 40.000 schon gedruckte Exemplare .

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    Haavara - Jewish Virtual Library ~ HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine.The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods.

    Junior Encyclopedia of Judaica (Junior Encyclopedia ~ Series: Junior Encyclopedia Judaica (Book 3) Paperback; Publisher: MacMillan Publishing Company. (January 1995) Language: English; ISBN-10: 0028971760; ISBN-13: 978-0028971766; Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 0.7 x 11.7 inches Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds; Customer Reviews: Be the first to write a review

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    Die Synagoge in Nieder-Ohmen (Gemeinde - Alemannia Judaica ~ direkt downloadbar bei Alemannia Judaica (7,1 MB) Literatur: Paul . Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities from their foundation till after the Holocaust. Germany Volume III: Hesse - Hesse-Nassau - Frankfurt. Hg. von Yad Vashem 1992 (hebrÀisch) S. 266-267. Heinrich Reichel: Juden in Nieder-Ohmen. 1998. Das Buch schildert die Geschichte der Juden in Nieder-Ohmen seit dem 16. Jahrhundert bis 1938 .