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    The Zebra's Stripes: And Other African Animal Tales

    Beschreibung The Zebra's Stripes: And Other African Animal Tales. Aimed at children everywhere, this wonderful collection of folk tales that find their origins in tribes from all over Africa, have been retold by Dianne Stewart. These include legends such as ‘How Lion and Warthog became Enemies’ from the Lamba, ‘How Giraffe Acquired His Long Neck’ from east Africa, ‘Why Hippopotamus Lives in the Water’ from Nigeria and ‘Monkey the Musician’ from South Africa. There are tales from the San, the Zulu, Zambia, Congo and West Africa, et al. At the end of each section - devoted to a type of animal - there are facts about the animal in question, adding to the educational value of the stories. The book is beautifully illustrated by Kathy Pienaar with great attention to detail.

    Buch The Zebra's Stripes: And Other African Animal Tales PDF ePub

    Dianne Stewart - ~ The Zebra’s Stripes and other African Animal Tales (English Edition) 01.11.2004. von Dianne Stewart , Kathy Pienaar ( 2 ) 2,68 € Folktales can be described as fictional prose narratives that are not confined to any particular culture. A folktale may appear in a slightly different form in a culture that is geographically nearby, or it may appear in a culture that is quite far removed from .

    Zebra Stripes, Caro, Tim - ~ Zebra Stripes - Kindle edition by Caro, Tim. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Zebra Stripes.

    Zebra Stripes: Caro, Tim: 9780226411019: : Books ~ “Zebra Stripes is an attempt to answer the mysterious, longstanding, and popular question of why zebra have stripes. A personal journey in addition to a scientific appraisal of the evidence, it is highly original in its discussion of stripe hypotheses and its personal aspect; I am not aware of any work of comparable synthesis in depth or scope. It is comprehensive, up-to-date, and .

    Folktales from Africa im Namibiana Buchdepot ~ Dianne Stewart has written more than twenty books for children and young adults, some of which have been published internationally, among them a collection of African proverbs, Wisdom from Africa, and a book of animal tales from Africa, The Zebra's Stripes and Other African Animal Tales. It was through her studies in African languages and literature that she first became aware of the wealth of .

    Hot Hippo (African Animal Tales, Band 9): ~ Greedy Zebra (African Animal Tales, Band 7) Mwenye Hadithi. 4,6 von 5 Sternen 71. Taschenbuch. 9,00 € Nur noch 2 auf Lager. Cross Crocodile (African Animal Tales, Band 5) Mwenye Hadithi. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 24. Taschenbuch. 7,72 € Nur noch 13 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). Crafty Chameleon (African Animal Tales, Band 16) Mwenye Hadithi. 4,8 von 5 Sternen 31. Taschenbuch. 7,76 € Nur noch .

    How the Zebra got its Stripes - Legends - Animals Myths ~ How the Zebra got its Stripes by Ginny - aged 12½ Forest City - U.S.A. Zebras, many years ago were not black and white. They were white. Some would say that they were a mixture between a white horse, and a donkey or mule. People at this time were still trying to domesticate (or train) wild horses so they could show them off, and prance around on them since they were so beautiful. Now zebras .

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    Africa Mammals Guide - Kruger Park Wildlife ~ A slender built animal resembling the grey housecat. The colour of African Wild Cat varies from grey to dark grey with ± 6 reddish to blackish-red vertical stripes on the flanks and some on the legs. In some cases these stripes are very faint. [more information] Ansorgis Free-Tailed Bat. Like all so-called 'free-tailed' bats, the distal portion of the tail of the Ansorgi's Free-Tailed Bat .

    Anansi Stories ~ tales that connect us by way of the Web of Life . The AnansiStories As Mythology: AnansiStories are part of an ancient mythology that is rooted in West African folklore and concerns the interaction between divine and semi-divine beings, royalty, humans, animals, plants and seemingly inanimate objects. These stories continue to provide a moral foundation for the community. Anansi the .

    Welcome to the African folktales page! - World of Tales ~ Africa is the second largest continent in the world. The earliest humans we know of are discovered in Africa. The people from Africa included unique characteristics in their folklore, showing their way of life and the animals and plants that surround them. African stories sometimes include trickster animals and spirits.

    Racing Stripes (2005) - IMDb ~ Directed by Frederik Du Chau. With Frankie Muniz, David Spade, Snoop Dogg, Bruce Greenwood. An abandoned zebra grows up believing he is a racehorse, and, with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds.

    Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? It's Not for Camouflage / Live ~ Many African animals sport some stripes on their bodies, but none of these patterns contrast as starkly as the zebra's.Researchers have long struggled to explain the purpose of the zebra's unique .

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    African Stories - Fairy tales from African Countries ~ Africa. Ananse’s Funeral - admin. In the time that all animals still lived together, there once lived a spider called Ananse. He lived in a village with his relatives and all kinds of other animals: hyena, porcupine, squirrel, guineafowl, the chameleon, the warthog and many, many more. … How the frog came to be the king of the rivers and marshes - Frans Timmermans. How Frog came to be King .

    Zebra - Wikipedia ~ Zebra stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual. Several theories have been proposed for the function of these stripes, with most evidence supporting them as a form of protection from biting flies. Zebras inhabit eastern and southern Africa and can be found in a variety of habitats such as savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, shrublands and mountainous areas. Zebras are .

    Bestseller: Die beliebtesten Artikel in ~ Tales from Africa (Puffin Classics) . The Zebra’s Stripes and other African Animal Tales (English Edition) Dianne Stewart. Kindle Ausgabe. 2,50 € #45. When Trees Walked Miti Ilipokuwa Yatembea: Bilingual English and Swahili (Kids' Books from Here and There) Nishant Tharani. Gebundene Ausgabe. 19,00 € #46. Amadi, der Phoenix, die Sphinx und der Djinn Katharina Gerlach. 4,8 von 5 Sternen .

    African fairy tales / Fairytalez ~ Animals are prominent in African folk tales, especially the monkey, elephant, lion, and giraffe, though other animals have their part as well. In the stories, animals often have human characteristics, for instance. Some of the African folk tales don’t have happy endings but instead impart a lesson. Other stories are origin stories, such as explaining why fish live in water. Read these folk .

    How the Zebra Got its Stripes - Profile Books ~ How the Zebra Got its Stripes Tales from the Weird and Wonderful World of Evolution. Léo Grasset . The Just So stories retold in the light of evolution by France's brightest young natural scientist. Paperback. 9781781256299 (16 Nov 2017) £8.99. eBook (ePUB/MOBI)? 9781782832430 (27 Oct 2016) £6.50. About the book. Why do giraffes have such long necks? Why are zebras striped? Why are buffalo .

    Zebra Books : 50 Most Secret Never To Know With Zebra ~ Herds of zebras, when run together their stripes blend so well with each other it is almost impossible to separate an individual zebra. Although in case you have missed it out then there are plain zebras too that are found in the African savannas. Though zebras belong to the species of the horse family they have never really been tamed and domesticated unlike the horses.

    A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist ~ Record your encounters with other organisms and maintain life lists, all in the cloud. Create Useful Data. Help scientists and resource managers understand when and where organisms occur. Crowdsource Identifications. Connect with experts who can identify the organisms you observe. Become a Citizen Scientist . Find a project with a mission that interests you, or start your own. Learn About .

    Folktales for Kids at World of Tales ~ Africa is the second largest continent in the world. The people from Africa included unique characteristics in their folklore, showing their way of life and the animals and plants that surround them. African stories sometimes include trickster animals and spirits. The collection of folktales from Africa consists of four books with 88 stories: 28 South African folktales, 40 Nigerian folktales .

    Khumba (2013) - IMDb ~ Directed by Anthony Silverston. With Jake T. Austin, Adrian Rhodes, Sam Riegel, Bryce Papenbrook. Rejected by his superstitious herd, a half-striped zebra embarks on a daring quest to earn his stripes but finds the courage and self-acceptance to save all the animals of the Great Karoo.