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    (de) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA/UNISA Press)

    Beschreibung (de) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA/UNISA Press). (De)Monopolising Paradise argues that some interpretations of Islamic texts serve to distance Islam from other communities. Originally published as Islam and Non-Muslims by M.I. Meer in 1956, this edited version offers an in-depth interpretation of Quranic verses, with the idea that unlike other religions, which regard salvation as the sole monopoly of their followers, Islam recognizes that God-fearing people of other religions would be duly rewarded by their Lord for pursuing the path of righteousness within the context of their faith. (De)Monopolising Paradise is an intellectual inquiry into what the Quran actually says about Muslims and non-Muslim relationships. It is a treatise for all persons of faith reminding them of the real message of Islam, Tawhid, (Oneness), and the idea of unity under one God. *** This is a fascinating book, written by an inquisitive South African Muslim scholar in the 1950s, who explores the central tenets of his faith and their relationship to universal tolerance. It is a kind of bottle post from 60 years ago that fits right into today's heated discussion about civilisation clashes and the search for transversality. -- Prof. Markus S. Schulz, International Sociological Association, President RC07, U. of Illinois *** This cogently argued text contributes substantially to Islamic thought and should be eagerly read by those interested in Muslim and non-Muslim relations. -- Prof. Muhammed Haron, Dept. of Theology of Religious Studies, U. of Botswana *** The editors have successfully resurrected the timeless philosophy of Moosa Meer, which goes beyond the academic limits and touches the day-to-day life of people intellectually, politically and culturally. It builds a blueprint for multi-religious and multi-ethnic societies without compromising on the Islamic faith. -- Prof. Rizwan Qaiser, Honorary Director of the Center for the Study of Comparative Religions and Civilizations, Jamia Millia Islamia U., New Delhi. *** ...a multi-layered text which refuses to be trapped by time and history....it would be a gross error to limit the book to matters of inter-faith relations; it is also for those in search for peaceful and meaningful co-existence across the religious and cultural divide. -- Tahir Fuzile Sitoto, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, U. of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Series: SAVUSA) [Subject: Religious Studies, Islamic Studies]

    Buch (de) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA/UNISA Press) PDF ePub

    (de) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA/UNISA Press): ~ (de) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA/UNISA Press): : Sultan Khan, Lubna Nadvi: Fremdsprachige Bücher

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    (De) Monopolising Paradise (SAVUSA Series): Khan, Sultan ~ (De)Monopolising Paradise argues that some interpretations of Islamic texts serve to distance Islam from other communities. Originally published as Islam and Non-Muslims by M.I. Meer in 1956, this edited version offers an in-depth interpretation of Quranic verses, with the idea that unlike other religions, which regard salvation as the sole monopoly of their followers, Islam recognizes that .

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