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    Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar

    Beschreibung Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar. The exotic temple culture of India comes alive through this beautifully illustrated, die-cut model of a temple courtyard complete with altar and figures of Krishna, the cowherd boys and girls, cows and monkeys. Several prayers and songs provide a glimpse into the magical lives and daily worship of the inhabitants of the sacred city associated with Krishna. As an introduction to the culture of India for children three to thirteen, it has no peer. Includes: One Garuda Stambha, Ten play figures, Six village animal playmates, Seven paraphernalia items used in Hindu ceremonies, Tulsi Devi, Three songs, Three prayers and Four different activities. An introductory story and easy-to-follow instructions for performing puja included.

    Buch Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar PDF ePub

    Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar: ~ Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar: : Kim Waters: Fremdsprachige Bücher

    Vrindavan Activity Set - Kim Waters - Englische Bücher ~ Vrindavan Activity Set von Kim Waters - Englische Bücher zum Genre Spielen & Lernen günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.

    Vrindavan Activity Set / Book by Kim Waters / Official ~ Vrindavan Activity Set Fold-Out Temple and Altar. By Kim Waters. Trade Paperback. LIST PRICE $19.95 PRICE MAY VARY BY RETAILER. Buy from Us; Table of Contents. About The Book. The exotic temple culture of India comes alive through this beautifully illustrated, die-cut model of a temple courtyard complete with altar and figures of Krishna, the cowherd boys and girls, cows and monkeys. Several .

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    Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar by Kim ~ The exotic temple culture of India comes alive through this beautifully illustrated, die-cut model of a temple courtyard complete with altar and figures of Krishna, the cowherd boys and girls, cows and monkeys. Several prayers and songs provide a glimpse into the magical lives and daily worship.

    Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar ~ : Vrindavan Activity Set: Fold-Out Temple and Altar (9781886069237): Waters, Kim: Books . Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Apple. Android . Windows Phone. Android. To get the free app, enter your .

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