Beschreibung Tajweed Untangled. Tajweed Untangled is the clear-cut guide to learning the art of Quran recitation. The beauty of this book extends beyond its attractive layout and design and permeates to the way it fundamentally reviews the teaching methodology of this noble skill. The chapters in Tajweed Untangled begin with real examples from the Noble Quran demonstrating a rule in action. After listening to the examples, readers are encouraged to reflect and decipher the rule for themselves. Rules are then explained clearly and rendered in a salient layout for easy revision. Written tasks and practice lines then follow to help reinforce the application of the rules. The clarity and effectiveness of both the methodology and layout make Tajweed Untangled an enjoyable and beneficial experience for children and adults alike. This paperback book contains 76 pages in full colour and is approximately A4 in size.
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