Beschreibung Habu and the Lost Zebra: A children's book about friendship. This fun and colorful storybook will teach your child about friendshipWhat would you do if you saw a zebra in your backyard?Would you run away? Would you shout at it?Or would you try to make friends with it?This is exactly what happened to Habu, a little boy somewhere in Africa.Do you want to know what happened next?This book will tell the entire story of Habu and the lost zebra.This book is suitable for toddlers and preschoolers. You can read it aloud to your little one, talk about the pictures, and discuss the story. Friendship is a very important topic in the early years of your child’s life because at this age, they’re just figuring out how to build relationships with others – and they need some good examples.Here’s what makes this book so special:A timeless story about friendshipIrresistibly cute pictures that are guaranteed to fascinate your childLots of opportunities for discussing the story with your little one – this will provide added educational value and strengthen your parent-child bondLarge, easy-to-read letters that are suitable for beginnersFun and memorable language – in no time, your child will know the entire book by heart!With its charming story and carefully crafted illustrations, Habu And The Lost Zebra is a valuable addition to any child’s library. By teaching your child how to make friends and how to maintain friendships, it will boost your little one’s social skills and emotional intelligence, paving the way to a happy and emotionally fulfilling life.
: Habu and the Lost Zebra: A children's book ~ : Habu and the Lost Zebra: A children's book about friendship (9781916323902): Solomon, Beth, Baykovska, Ira: Books
Habu and the Lost Zebra / It's Write Now : It's Write Now ~ This book will tell the entire story of Habu and the lost zebra. This book is suitable for toddlers and preschoolers. You can read it aloud to your little one, talk about the pictures, and discuss the story. Friendship is a very important topic in the early years of your childâs life because at this age, theyâre just figuring out how to build relationships with others â and they need .
Habu and the Lost Zebra : Beth Solomon - Book Depository ~ This book will tell the entire story of Habu and the lost zebra. This book is suitable for toddlers and preschoolers. You can read it aloud to your little one, talk about the pictures, and discuss the story. Friendship is a very important topic in the early years of your child's life because at this age, they're just figuring out how to build relationships with others - and they need some good .
Habu and the Lost Zebra A childrens book about friendship ~ Habu and the Lost Zebra A childrens book about friendship. muvo - 29.10.2020. Habu and the Lost Zebra A childrens book about friendship .
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