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    My Little Lore of Light

    Beschreibung My Little Lore of Light. My Little Lore of Light is a children's version of Hajjah Amina Adil's four volume work, Lore of Light: the Stories of the Prophets of God, from Adam to Muhammad, drawn from traditional Ottoman Islamic sources. This book is intended to be read aloud to young children and to be read by older children by themselves. These abridged stories are intended to introduce a young audience to the prophets of God and to encourage thought and discussion in the family about the eternal wisdom these stories embody. Beautifully illustrated in color, the third edition of this book is the ideal gift for Muslim children to learn the history of God's messengers on earth.

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    My Little Lore of Light by Hajjah Amina Adil ~ My Little Lore Of Light is a children's version of Hajjah Amina Adil's four volume work, Lore Of Light: the stories of the prophets of God, from Adam to Muhammad drawn from traditional Ottoman Islamic sources. This book is intended to be read aloud to young children and to be read by older children for themselves. These abridged stories are intended to introduce a young au

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