Beschreibung The Story of Spring and Norooz: (An Untold Tale of Persian New Year) (English Edition). This book is in English (a Persian/Farsi edition of this book is also available) -- A new version of Norooz story: The story of a girl named "Bahar" who lives in the sky and spends the entire year sleeping in her comfy bed, except for the last day of winter when she wakes up and ..... For more information about BAHAR BOOKS, visit:
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Norooz A Celebration of Spring! The Persian New Year ~ "Norooz - A Celebration of Spring! The Persian New Year" is a wonderful book. It is a beautiful children's book, but as an adult, I learned so much about Norooz as well. Every page is filled with interesting details and information. There is even a section with pertinent Persian vocabulary and an accompanying pronunciation guide. The .
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