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    The Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand

    Beschreibung The Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand. When the invitations for the dance arrive, spoiled Aree finds herself in a dilemma because she has just too many dresses from which to choose, but in the end, she realizes it would be silly to wear them all and so decides to wear only one, in a whimsical Thai folktale about vanity and excess.

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    Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand by ~ Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand - Ebook written by . Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand.

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