Beschreibung NORSE OF COURSE: Building of the Wall. Norse, of Course! Building of the Wall is an illustrated story for children. Read along as the wall of Asgard is rebuilt, a Jotun observes Norse people, Loki's bad judgment, and meet Sleipnir, Odin's legendary horse. The Norse, of Course! book series for children is Norse mythology retold as historical fiction in this original fully illustrated series. The stories are based on the Eddas and Sagas. Modernized in fun rhyme with whimsical pictures, each book in the series features the Norse ancestors and their evolution. Norhalla, LLC is organized for the preservation and education about Norse and Germanic culture, mythology, belief and history through art and literature.
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The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings ~ The Penguin Book of the Norse Myths compellingly retells these stories for the modern reader, taking us from the creation of the world through the building of Asgard's Wall to the final end in Ragnarok. You'll discover how Thor got his hammer and how Odin lost his eye, the terrible price of binding the wolf Fenrir and why Loki the trickster can never be trusted. The Norse myths are as .
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Gods of Asgard: A graphic novel interpretation of the ~ Of course it would have been great if the whole book would have been printed in colour, but I don't mind the black and white drawings inside. I habe diesen Comic gekauft, weil ich nach einem Kinder-Bilderbuch zur nordischen Mythologie gesucht habe; für mich war vor allem wichtig, dass das Buch viele Bilder enthalten sollte. Mit diesem Comic habe ich ein echt cooles Buch mit vielen Bildern .
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