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    Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn: A Tale of Forgiveness

    Beschreibung Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn: A Tale of Forgiveness. Donny isn't sure what Grandma thinks of him...she is so proper and his behavior is far from perfect. Yet, when Donny gets tangled up in some trouble, Grandma reveals the secret that all Grandmothers and grandchildren share. This warm tale of inter-generational love is complimented by whimsical full-color drawings!

    Buch Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn: A Tale of Forgiveness PDF ePub

    Red Blue & Yellow Yarn: A Tale of Forgiveness: Miriam ~ "Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn, a Tale of Forgiveness" by Miriam R. Kosman, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev, also has a local connection. This Hachai Publishing Book, $9.95, is edited by former Pittsburgher Dina Rosenfeld. It is the story of crime and punishment (although on a much lesser scale!). The story tells of young Donny, who must be on his best behavior since his Bubby (grandmother) has .

    Hachai Publishing: Producing high quality children's ~ Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn – A Tale of Forgiveness By Miriam Kosman $10.95 A Thread of Kindness – A Tzedakah Story By Leah Perl Shollar $10.95 The Key Under the Pillow – A Story about Honoring Parents By Leah Perl Shollar $10.95

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