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    The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe Teaching-Stories)

    Beschreibung The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe Teaching-Stories). In this amusing story, an old woman encounters an eagle for the first time. Perplexed by its unfamiliar appearance, she decides to change it to suit her own ideas of what a bird should look like. Her efforts mirror a common pattern of human thought: altering the unfamiliar to make it acceptable. This tale is specially presented for children by Afghan author Idries Shah, who, for more than 30 years, collected stories from the Sufi tradition and adapted them to contemporary Western culture. Told since ancient times throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, such tales are used to help foster greater mental flexibility and insight in people of all ages.

    Buch The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe Teaching-Stories) PDF ePub

    The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe ~ The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe Teaching-Stories) [Shah, Idries, Delmar, Natasha] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Old Woman and the Eagle: English-Dari Edition (Hoopoe Teaching-Stories)

    The Old Woman and the Eagle - Hoopoe Books ~ In this gloriously illustrated tale, an old woman grooms an eagle to represent what she thinks is a pigeon—the only type of bird with which she is familiar. … Delmar’s paintings are beautiful and realistic. The side panels with detailed borders reflect elements of the tale and foreshadow events or reflect the elegant setting. … the classic story, packaged in an elegant design, will be .

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