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    The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that Teaches kids about Gratitude and Compassion (Jewish Holiday Books for Children, Band 3)

    Beschreibung The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that Teaches kids about Gratitude and Compassion (Jewish Holiday Books for Children, Band 3). A WONDERFUL WISH - A BRIGHTER WORLD for ALL CHILDRENThe Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes is a beautiful, sentimental, and hopeful book that will resonate with all tender and loving hearts who wish and pray for a better world.The clever dreidel knows all about the lighting of the Chanukah menorah in celebration of the miracle that happened to the Jewish people in the Land of Israel over 2000 years ago. So, it encourages kids to enjoy the holiday and its treats, but at the same time wish for a world where all children are happy and healthy and full of hope.

    Buch The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that Teaches kids about Gratitude and Compassion (Jewish Holiday Books for Children, Band 3) PDF ePub

    The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that ~ The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that Teaches kids about Gratitude and Compassion Jewish Holiday Books for Children, Band 3: : Sarah Mazor: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

    The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that ~ The Clever Dreidel's Chanukah Wishes: Picture Book that teaches kids about gratitude and compassion (Jewish Holiday Books for Children, Band 3) / Mazor, Sarah, Kusumkali Biswas, Mary / ISBN: 9781731033871 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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