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    But...Who is Allah?: (Islamic books for kids)

    Beschreibung But...Who is Allah?: (Islamic books for kids). Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim,Follow the story of Adam, a young Muslim child that is curious about religion and wants to learn about Allah. Through a fun story for both children and parents, allow your kids to start comprehending religious concepts and daily-used expressions, while also inciting curiosity for further knowledge about their Islamic religion. Enjoy with your little one a unique and creative journey that will introduce her/him to the religion, and offer your child a positive and comforting perception of the Islamic belief, culture and way of life. A must-have children’s story that shouldn’t be missing from any family’s bookcase or Islamic books collection!This Islamic story has been thought and written for Muslim children born and raised outside of their parents’ country of origin (i.e.: European and Muslim American, etc.), to help them understand the notion of God in a simple and fun way, mentioning that there is no God but God (la ilaha illallah). In addition, this Muslim book uses several Arabic and Islamic terms coming from the Quran (Qur’an) and explained to be easily understood by Muslim kids. Dear Parents, Inshallah you and your children will benefit from this story and from our upcoming Islamic books (Muslim books).Terms and concepts you'll find inside this Muslim book: Subhan-Allah, Insha-Allah/Inshallah, Al-hamdulillah/Alhamdulillah, Bismillah, Masha-Allah/Mashallah, Allahu Akbar/Allah Akbar, Azan/Athan, Mosque/Masjid, Assalamu Alaykum, no God but God/la ilaha illallah, Quran/Qur’an.PS: Stay tuned for our next Islamic books (Muslim books).

    Buch But...Who is Allah?: (Islamic books for kids) PDF ePub

    ButWho is Allah?: (Islamic books for kids): Karroum ~ Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, Follow the story of Adam, a young Muslim child that is curious about religion and wants to learn about Allah. Through a fun story for both children and parents, allow your kids to start comprehending religious concepts and daily-used expressions, while also inciting curiosity for further knowledge about their Islamic religion.

    ButWho is Allah?: (Muslim books for children) (Islamic ~ Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, Follow the story of Adam, a young Muslim child that is curious about religion and wants to learn about Allah. Through a fun story for both children and parents, allow your kids to start comprehending religious concepts and daily-used expressions, while also inciting curiosity for further knowledge about their Islamic religion.

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