Beschreibung Kelkar, G: Little Monks Durga. Goddess Durga was created out of the combined power of all gods to destroy the evil demon Mahishasura who had overthrown the gods from their heavenly abode. This book details the several demons who posed a threat to the very existence of the race of the gods and man and how each one met a dastardly end at the hands of this supreme divine mother! The book, apart from narrating wisdom tales from Indian mythology, introduces the child to the world of new words. The words have been carefully chosen by a panel of experts and are explained in detail at the end of the book in a glossary.
Little Monk's Parvati by Gauri Kelkar / NOOK Book (eBook ~ She is the gentler form of Goddess Durga and is a home-maker, with a husband and children. However, Goddess Parvati herself is very accomplished and skilled enough to fight the demons single-handedly. She too is considered to be a supreme goddess from whom other shaktis (divine energies) are derived. This book tells the tale of how Parvati won Lord Shiva as her husband and how she helped her .
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