Beschreibung The Guide for the Perplexed [UNABRIDGED]. The Guide for the Perplexed (Hebrew: Moreh Nevuchim, Arabic: dalalat al ha'irin) is one of the major works of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, better known as Maimonides, or the Rambam. It is the main source of his philosophical views. The main purpose of the work is to expound on Maaseh Bereishit and Maaseh Merkavah (the sections of Jewish mysticism dealing with Creation from Genesis and the passage of the Chariot from Ezekiel), these being the two main mystical texts in the Tanakh.
The Guide for the Perplexed (English Edition) eBook ~ The Guide for the Perplexed was written for scholars who were bewildered by the conflict between religion and the scientific and philosophic thought of the day. It is concerned, basically, with finding a concord between the religion of the Old Testament and its commentaries, and Aristotelian philosophy. After analyzing the ideas of the Old Testament by means of "homonyms," Maimonides examines .
The Guide for the Perplexed: : Maimonides, Moses ~ The Guide for the Perplexed / Maimonides, Moses / ISBN: 9781230857565 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Guide for the Perplexed: : Maimonides, Moses ~ The Guide for the Perplexed / Maimonides, Moses / ISBN: 9780486203515 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Guide for the Perplexed: : Maimonides, Moses ~ The Guide for the Perplexed / Maimonides, Moses, Friedlander, Michael / ISBN: 9781590456613 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A Guide for the Perplexed: : Schumacher, E. F ~ A Guide for the Perplexed / Schumacher, E. F. / ISBN: 9780060138592 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Guide for the Perplexed [UNABRIDGED]: Maimonides ~ The Guide for the Perplexed (Hebrew:Moreh Nevuchim, Arabic: dalalat al ha'irin) is one of the major works of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, better known as Maimonides, or the Rambam. It is the main source of his philosophical views. The main purpose of the work is to expound on Maaseh Bereishit and Maaseh Merkavah (the sections of Jewish mysticism dealing with Creation from Genesis and the passage of .
THE GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED - TeachItToMe ~ THE GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED BY MOSES MAIMONIDES TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL ARABIC TEXT BY M. FRIEDLANDER, PH.D SECOND EDITION REVISED THROUGHOUT 1904. Note: This book was scanned and ocr'ed by Andrew Meit and David Reed. CONTENTS Life of Maimonides Moreh Nebuchim Literature. Analysis of the Guide for the Perplexed PART I. Introduction-- Dedicatory Letter The Object of the Guide On Similes .
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Führer der Unschlüssigen – Wikipedia ~ Der Führer der Unschlüssigen ist das philosophische Hauptwerk des mittelalterlichen jüdischen Gelehrten Maimonides, das, von der jüdisch-kalamitischen Theologie und der peripatetisch-avicennischen Philosophie ausgehend, zu grundlegenden religiösen und philosophischen Fragen Stellung bezieht. Es sollte in erster Linie dem Nachweis dienen, dass die jüdische Tradition bei richtiger .
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