Beschreibung RuneWarriors: Sword of Doom (English Edition). Can life get any worse for Dane the Defiant?The same villagers who once praised him for his courage in defeating Thidrek the Terrifying now blame him for everything that has gone wrong since then: The torrential downpours. The dwindling food supplies. Even the rampant outbreaks of armpit lice. Dane's deceased father would never have let things get so bad, the village elders say. But then Dane is summoned to the fortress of King Eldred, where he receives the final piece of his father's legacy: an ancient secret written in mysterious runes that leads to no less than the treasure of the gods. But the treasure, he learns, is cursed, and his mother is kidnapped. And so, braving an army of angry trolls and warring frost giants (and other fantastic creatures there isn't space here to describe), Dane and his friends must decipher the cryptic clues and embark on a quest to find the enchanted treasure and save her life. Oh, and all the while battling ultimate evil. Can Dane be the hero he has always wanted to be? Or will he fall prey to the curse and betray those he loves?
RuneWarriors: Sword of Doom (Englisch) Taschenbuch â 1 ~ RuneWarriors: Sword of Doom / Jennewein, James, Parker, Tom S. / ISBN: 9780061449413 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Sword of Summer - Wikipedia ~ The Sword of Summer is a young-adult fantasy novel based on Norse mythology written by American author Rick Riordan.It was published on October 6, 2015 by Disney Hyperion, and is the first novel in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series.. The novel is narrated in the first-person view by Magnus Chase, 16-year-old demigod and homeless orphan.
Doom book - Wikipedia ~ The Doom Book, DĆmbĆc, Code of Alfred or Legal Code of Ălfred the Great was the code of laws ("dooms" being laws or judgments) compiled by Alfred the Great (c. 893 AD). Alfred codified three prior Saxon codes â those of Ăthelberht of Kent (c. 602 AD), Ine of Wessex (c. 694 AD) and Offa of Mercia (c. 786 AD) â to which he prefixed the Ten Commandments of Moses and incorporated rules of .
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Ian Livingstone â Wikipedia ~ Ian Livingstone, CBE (* Dezember 1949 in Manchester) ist ein britischer Fantasy-Autor und Unternehmer in der Spiel- und Computerspiel-Industrie.Zusammen mit Steve Jackson hat er: . das erste Pen-&-Paper-Rollenspiel (Dungeons and Dragons) nach Europa gebracht; die Firma Games Workshop gegrĂŒndet; die Veranstaltung Games Day ins Leben gerufen; Zudem war er bereits 1985 als Computerspiel-Designer .
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Marion Zimmer Bradley â Wikipedia ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley (* 3.Juni 1930 in Albany, New York; â 25. September 1999 in Berkeley, Kalifornien) war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin, die mit Fantasy-Romanen wie Die Nebel von Avalon weltweit bekannt wurde. In den 1960er Jahren verfasste sie aus finanziellen GrĂŒnden auch Groschenhefte, Schauerromane, Lebensbeichten, Krimis und Softpornos unter diversen Pseudonymen wie Lee .
The Sword â Wikipedia ~ Einem gröĂeren Publikum in Europa wurden The Sword bekannt, als sie Ende 2008 auf mehreren Konzerten der World Magnetic Tour von Metallica im Vorprogramm auftraten. Im August 2010 veröffentlichten The Sword als ihr drittes Album ein Science-Fiction-Konzeptalbum Warp Riders.
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