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    Samurai Spirit: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Samurai Spirit: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life (English Edition). Named an Honor Title by the Storytelling World Awards in the category of “Storytelling Anthologies"The samurai prepared themselves for battle through physical practice, and the study of the arts. These ancient stories that inspired warriors so long ago have special significance for today’s teens who face battles of their own: battles against bullies; battles with self-doubt and lack of confidence; and battles with the injustices they see around them. Burt Konzak has taught martial arts for over 20 years and has used these stories, drawn from sources including the Hagakuri, the Book of Five Rings, and other Japanese classics, to help young people gain emotional and mental strength.Whether or not readers are interested in the martial arts, they will find centuries of wisdom in this fine collection.

    Buch Samurai Spirit: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life (English Edition) PDF ePub

    : Samurai Spirit: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life ~ Fact boxes follow the legends or stories about the author's own journey toward becoming a modern-day samurai. Konzak describes overcoming a fear of sharks, trying to break up a street fight, and being put on the spot to perform tough karate moves before a large crowd. By alternating past and present, he succeeds in drawing the connection between this ancient philosophy and daily life for any .

    Similar authors to follow - ~ All Formats Kindle Edition Paperback Hardcover Sort by: . Noguchi the Samurai Apr 1, 1994. . Samurai Spirit: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life May 29, 2009. by Burt Konzak Kindle Edition.

    Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai by Yamamoto ~ The comprehensive and accurate edition of the Hagakure is a must-have for serious martial artists or fans of samurai and the bushido code. The Hagakure is one of the most influential of all Japanese texts—written nearly 300 years ago by Yamamoto Tsunetomo to summarize the very essence of the Japanese Samurai bushido ("warrior") spirit. Its influence has been felt throughout the world, and .

    The Book of Five Rings - Wikipedia ~ The Book of Five Rings (五輪書, Go Rin no Sho) is a text on kenjutsu and the martial arts in general, written by the Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi around 1643. There have been various translations made over the years, and it enjoys an audience considerably broader than only that of martial artists and people across East Asia: for instance, some foreign business leaders find its .

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