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    Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover Children's Classics) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover Children's Classics) (English Edition). Long before people could turn to books for instruction and amusement, they relied upon storytellers for answers to their questions about life. Africa boasts a particularly rich oral tradition, in which the griot — village historian — preserved and passed along cultural beliefs and experiences from one generation to the next. This collection of 30 timeless fables comes from the storytellers of Nigeria, whose memorable narratives tell of promises kept and broken, virtue rewarded, and treachery punished.Ajapa the Tortoise — a trickster, or animal with human qualities — makes frequent appearances among the colorful cast of talking animals. In "Tortoise Goes Wooing," he learns a valuable lesson in friendship and sharing. Ajapa's further adventures describe how, among other things, he became a chief, acquired all of the world's wisdom, saved the king, tricked the lion, and came to be bald. Recounted in simple but evocative language, these ancient tales continue to enchant readers and listeners of all ages.

    Buch Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover Children's Classics) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover ~ Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover Children's Classics) (English Edition) eBook: Margaret Baumann: : Kindle-Shop

    Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover ~ Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales (Dover Children's Classics) (English Edition) eBook: Baumann, Margaret: : Kindle-Shop

    Dover Children's Classics / Series ~ Ajapa the Tortoise: A Book of Nigerian Folk Tales by Margaret Baumann 13 copies: Order: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll 20,225 copies, 408 reviews: Order: American Fairy Tales by L. Frank Baum 282 copies, 6 reviews: Order: The Animal Story Book by Andrew Lang 46 copies, 2 reviews: Order:

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