Beschreibung Shadows: Book 2 (Ashes Trilogy) (English Edition). Alex has escaped from Rule - but what new horrors face her in the ravaged world outside? Tom is safe - but what will he risk to find Alex? Chris - how much does he really know about the terrible darkness of Rule? And what are his true feelings for Alex? Ellie - where is she? The terrifying follow-up to the hugely popular Ashes.
Shadows (The Ashes Trilogy Book 2) Kindle Edition ~ But readers will need the background from the first book, Ashes (2011), to contextualize the various characters and story lines in this second book of the trilogy. Grades 7-10. --Cindy Welch --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Shadows (Ashes Trilogy, #2) by Ilsa J. Bick ~ 2.5 stars I have some mixed feelings about this second book in the Ashes Trilogy. The story continues to unfold at a fast clip, but it felt like it started to lose some focus. While the use of short, episodic chapters that worked so well in Ashes continued to keep the the pace up, because Shadows follows so many different people, that same format made the story feel less cohesive.
Shadows of Glass (Ashes Trilogy, #2) by Kassy Tayler ~ Shadows of Glas is the second book in the Ashes Trilogy, ans picks up right where we left off from in Ashes of Twilight. The dome has been severely devastated damaged, and truth about the world outside has been discovered. The world outside is not consumed by fire, but is completely different than they have been taught to believe. They have lost so many in the floods and the fire, but that is .
: Shadows of Glass: The Ashes Trilogy, Book 2 ~ Shadows of Glass: The Ashes Trilogy, Book 2 Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Kassy Tayler (Author), Nicola Barber (Narrator), Blackstone Audio, Inc. (Publisher) & 0 more 4.3 out of 5 stars 12 ratings
Ashes Trilogy by Ilsa J. Bick - Meet your next favorite book ~ Ashes Trilogy by Ilsa J. Bick 3 primary works • 13 total works In German, book 3 - Monsters, is separated in two parts: Part 1: Ashes: Ruhelose Seelen Part 2: Ashes: Pechschwarzer Mond Additionally each part is separated in 4 parts, which make up the 8 parts of book 3.
: Shadows (9781606844458): Ilsa J. Bick: Books ~ Shadows is by no means a bad book, its excellent and as a stand alone piece it'd be a 4 or possibly a 4.5 star work. But its not a stand alone book, its part of a set and it just doesn't match up to Ashes, it doesn't flow as well (see the confusing narrative bit above) and because of that you are less invested in some of the characters.
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