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    Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) (English Edition). The outcome of this timeless nature tale from Micronesia suggests that all of us are connected in the ecological chain. Sandpiper finds her daily stroll on the beach interrupted by Whale, who boasts that he is ruler of the sea. Sandpiper responds with equal bravado, asserting her rights to the sand and seawater. The rivals are call in their cousins and soon both the beach and sea are filled with shorebirds and sea mammals of every stripe. The standoff grows ominous as Whale leads his cousins in an assault on the beach, eating the sand from under the birds. Sandpiper retaliates by ordering her cousins to drink up the ocean. Then the landscape is filled with fish, crabs, and sea creatures gasping for survival. How will this end? MacDonald’s trademark playful prose captures the misguided rivalry of the characters while Valério’s frame expands to portray the conflict on the ever-crowded beach.

    Buch Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands ~ Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) (English Edition) eBook: Margaret MacDonald , Geraldo Valerio : : Kindle-Shop

    Surf war! : a folktale from the Marshall Islands ~ Surf war! : a folktale from the Marshall Islands Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Surf war! : a folktale from the Marshall Islands by .

    Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands ~ Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) - Kindle edition by MacDonald, Margaret, Valerio, Geraldo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk).

    Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands: MacDonald ~ Surf War is based on a folktale from the Marshall Islands. The whale and sandpiper argue about whether there are more whales or sandpipers. They call all their sisters, brothers, and cousins to come. When they still cannot decide who has more, the whales decide they will eat up the island so the birds can't stay and the birds decide to drink up the water for the same reason. When the birds .

    Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands ~ Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) (English Edition) eBook: MacDonald , Margaret, Valerio , Geraldo: : Kindle Store

    Margaret Read MacDonald - ~ Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands (LittleFolk) 16 Jul, 2009 by Margaret MacDonald , Geraldo Valerio

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