Beschreibung Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Tragic Magic Book 1) (English Edition). Keep your head down.Don’t make waves.Don’t let anyone know you’re a freak.Larissa Alvarez is a witch. Magic is useful enough to make her pretty, but beyond transformation runes, Larissa ignores her mom’s pleas to learn about her magical heritage on the grounds that it’s just too weird. But when her family is killed, and the powerful book of runes Larissa is supposed to inherit disappears, she realizes she’s not going to survive without magic. Worse still, she’s falling in love with her only ally, her best friend Joe, who has a secret that could kill them both.Now magic is the only way she can reclaim her heritage and save the boy she loves. Larissa dives into the world of magic she’s always ignored and finds herself caught in the middle of an age-old war between Witches and Mages. She may be poorly trained.She may not have anyone to trust. But it’s time to start making waves.
Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Tragic Magic, #1) by Sheena Boekweg ~ Funny Tragic Crazy Magic is a fun read with a refreshing, unique take on witches, magic, and the age-old war between the sexes. Larissa is one of the most likable heroines I've read in a long time, like the best friend I always wished I had. When the book opens, she's lost everything except her wit and humor, which shine through the narrative.
Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Hörbuch-Download): ~ Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Hörbuch-Download): : Sheena Boekweg, Jesse Aran Holcomb, Boekweg Books: Audible Audiobooks
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: Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (9781482793796 ~ Funny Tragic Crazy Magic is a fun read with a refreshing, unique take on witches, magic, and the age-old war between the sexes. Larissa is one of the most likable heroines I've read in a long time, like the best friend I always wished I had. When the book opens, she's lost everything except her wit and humor, which shine through the narrative. She's funny and strong but still has the .
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