Beschreibung Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English Edition). “A learned man and a king are not equal, as the former is respected everywhere, but the latter only in his own dominions.”Canny, contemplative and courageous, Chanakya is known as one of India’s most multifaceted and enduring gurus. His smart, sage advice, captured forever in the twin classic treatises – the Arthashastra and the Nitishastra – has both the detailing of a draughtsman and the wide-ranging wisdom of a genius. Scholar, teacher, visionary, political strategist, economic philosopher and royal adviser, Chanakya put forth invaluable lessons that changed the course of history. Humiliated by Dhana Nanda, the ruler of Magadha, Chanakya turned adversity into strength and challenge into opportunity. Through clever diplomatic manoeuvres and wise confrontations, he choreographed young Chandragupta’s rise as the founder of the Mauryan empire, the first of its kind in power and territorial extent. Melding his knowledge with a shrewd observance of life, Chanakya outlined political and economic philosophies in a long-lasting body of pithy truths. And that is why, centuries later, his work and his words matter in today’s world.This book brings together the transformative incidents that shaped Chanakya’s life, and his most important sayings. From his understanding of the ideal way of life, you too can learn to be a little bit like Chanakya.PLUS:* Flipbook action page corner for a touch of fun* Timeline: A chronology of Chanakya’s life* Bonus Teachings!: A hundred tactical tips from Chanakya’s treasury of wisdom
Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English ~ Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English Edition) eBook: Anu Kumar: : Kindle-Shop
Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English ~ Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English Edition) eBook: Kumar, Anu: : Tienda Kindle
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Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English ~ Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher (English Edition) eBook: Anu Kumar, Kumar, Anu: .mx: Tienda Kindle
Katha Chanakya (English Edition) eBook: Radhakrishnan ~ Katha Chanakya (English Edition) eBook: Radhakrishnan Pillai: : Kindle-Shop. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen Bestellungen Entdecken Sie Prime Einkaufs-wagen. Kindle-Shop . Los Suche Bestseller Geschenkideen Neuerscheinungen .
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Buy Chanakya: The Kingmaker And The Philosopher Book ~ Chanakya is a book written on the great Indian scholar and philosopher, who is responsible for the establishment of the Mauryan Dynasty and the king Chandragupta Maurya. A man who lived during 300 BC, Chanakya is referred to by other names and has different stories attributed to him. With a lot of confusion about the history of Chanakya, one thing is consistent throughout - his wisdom. This book by Anu Kumar is a compilation of the history of Chanakya as told from various sources.
Chanakya: Anu Kumar: 9789350096925: : Books ~ Chanakya is a book written on the great Indian scholar and philosopher, who is responsible for the establishment of the Mauryan Dynasty and the king Chandragupta Maurya. A man who lived during 300 BC, Chanakya is referred to by other names and has different stories attributed to him. With a lot of confusion about the history of Chanakya, one thing is consistent throughout - his wisdom. This book by Anu Kumar is a compilation of the history of Chanakya as told from various sources .
[PDF] The Kingmaker Case Full Download-BOOK ~ Download The Kingmaker Case books, The Kingmaker Case provides a first-hand account of the controversial private and public life of Caleb Escueta. As an amateur, Caleb Escueta had achieved success at every level. During his sophomore season, as a professional, some believed he was on his way to becoming one of the game's elite players. Then, Assistant District Attorney R. F. Sanchez revealed .
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Chanakya in You Kindle Edition - ~ Adventures of a Modern Kingmaker Chanakya in You is the charming, lighthearted yet profound tale of a man inspired by his grandfather to seek the wisdom of the Arthashastra. Journey with a modernday disciple of Chanakya as he goes from being an aimless youth to the richest man in the world, inspiring a whole nation to take up study of Sanskrit and ancient Indian literature for business success .
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Chanakya / Biography, Ethics, & Facts / Britannica ~ Chanakya, also called Kautilya or Vishnugupta, (flourished 300 bce), Hindu statesman and philosopher who wrote a classic treatise on polity, Artha-shastra (âThe Science of Material Gainâ), a compilation of almost everything that had been written in India up to his time regarding artha (property, economics, or material success).. He was born into a Brahman family and received his education .
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Kingmaker - Wikipedia ~ A kingmaker is a person or group that has great influence on a royal or political succession, without themselves being a viable candidate. Kingmakers may use political, monetary, religious, and military means to influence the succession. Originally, the term applied to the activities of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwickâ"Warwick the Kingmaker"âduring the Wars of the Roses (1455â1487 .
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