Beschreibung Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows Book 1) (English Edition). I never dreamed the world would end this way...Sixteen-year-old Parrish Sorrows is nothing special. She lives in the shadow of her prodigy sister, ignored by her parents and shunned as an outsider at her private school.But today, everything changes.Today, on the other side of the country, a portal to another world opens. A man and a witch step through, both tied to Parrish in ways she never could have imagined.Because of these strangers, an ancient evil awakens, spreading a virus that will kill millions in a matter of weeks. When the dead begin to rise, survivors must battle an enemy they can’t even begin to comprehend.But as the world is dying, a mysterious power inside Parrish is reborn. A power that proves she was special all along. A power that shows she’s the key to saving what’s left of the world....and she’s not the only one.Told from alternating points of view, Death’s Awakening is equal parts fantasy and horror, witches and zombies, love and loss. It is the story of five extraordinary survivors struggling to realize their destiny as they fight against the darkest evil this world has ever seen.This young adult zombie apocalypse adventure with witches and magic will keep you up reading late into the night.◆◆Praise for Death’s Awakening◆◆“Imagine Stephen King's The Stand hooks up with a dark fairytale and begets The Walking Dead.” ~Goodreads Review“A Brilliant, different take on a zombie apocalypse.” ~Goodreads Review“This book is action packed, hair raising, spine tingling, and completely awesome. I loved every single minute of it and couldn't put it down!!!” ~Nerd Girl Reviews
Death's Awakening: Book 1, Eternal Sorrows by Sarra Cannon ~ Death's Awakening: Book 1, Eternal Sorrows - Ebook written by Sarra Cannon. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Death's Awakening: Book 1, Eternal Sorrows.
Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows, #1) by Sarra Cannon ~ Review Courtesy of April Hollingworth Death’s Awakening if the first book in the brand new Eternal Sorrows series. Told from different points of view this is a fantastic book. Filled with magick, zombies, romance and action, this brilliant series leaves you begging for more.
Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows): : Sarra ~ Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows) / Sarra Cannon / ISBN: 9781624210112 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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: Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows) (Volume 1 ~ DEATH’S AWAKENING is the first book in Sarra Cannon’s new Eternal Sorrows series. Told from alternating points of view, this story is packed with action, magic, and romance that will leave you begging to find out what happens as this group of teens struggles to survive the zombie apocalypse. They are about to find out zombies are the least of their problems.
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Death's Awakening: Volume 1 Eternal Sorrows by Sarra ~ Death's Awakening: Volume 1 (Eternal Sorrows) by Sarra Cannon (2014-07-12) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Death's Awakening: Volume 1 (Eternal Sorrows): ~ Death's Awakening: Volume 1 (Eternal Sorrows): : Sarra Cannon: Libros en idiomas extranjeros. Saltar al contenido principal. Prueba Prime Hola, IdentifÃcate Cuenta y listas IdentifÃcate Cuenta y listas Pedidos SuscrÃbete a Prime Cesta .
Eternal Sorrows (2 book series) Kindle Edition ~ Kindle Edition Eternal Sorrows (2 book series) . Death's Awakening (Eternal Sorrows Book 1) by Sarra Cannon (Author) 4 . Sorrow's Gift is Book 2 of the Eternal Sorrows Trilogy. Reading Order: Death’s Awakening Sorrow’s Gift Fate’s Surrender (Coming 2016) Read more. Buy now with 1-Click ® Sold by: Services LLC > Customer reviews. 5 star (0%) 0% 4 star (0%) 0% 3 star (0%) 0 .
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