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    The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition). The Shard is Victoria Simcox’s fast-paced sequel to The Warble. A nasty prank goes very wrong, sending Kristina and company back to the land of Bernovem. When Werrien invites Kristina to sail to his homeland, Tezerel, Kristina can’t refuse.All is not well though on the high seas. After Werrien becomes fascinated with a seeing stone, suspicion, guilt, illness and a ghostly hag haunt Kristina.

    Buch The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English ~ The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition) eBook: Victoria Simcox: : Kindle-Shop

    The Shard (Bernovem Chronicles, Band 2) (Englisch ~ The Shard (Bernovem Chronicles, Band 2): : Victoria Simcox: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen WarenrĂŒcksendungen und Bestellungen Entdecken Sie .

    : The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2 ~ The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) - Kindle edition by Simcox, Victoria. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2).

    Download The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2 ~ Home eBooks Download The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition) [PDF] eBooks Download The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) (English Edition) [PDF]

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    The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2) Kindle Edition ~ In The Shard, Book 2 of Victoria Simcox's enchanting series, The Bernovem Chronicles, we meet up once again with the charming and resourceful Kristina Kingsly, now 15. It's been a little over two years since Kristina's initial visit to Bernovem, and she's starting to doubt whether or not her trip to that magical land ever happened—she thinks the whole thing may have just been a dream. What .

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    : The Shard (Bernovem Chronicles) (Volume 2 ~ Kristina is returning to the magical land of Bernovem in “The Shard (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 2).” A few years have passed since the events of “The Warble (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 1).” Kristina doubts her memories of her experiences in Bernovem a few years earlier. Joined by Hester and Davina, she is transported back to Bernovem where she is reunited with Prince Werrien.

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    The Bernovem Chronicles (4 Book Series) ~ The Bernovem Chronicles (4 Book Series) von Victoria Simcox. From Book 1: Dwarfs, gnomes, fairies, talking animals, and an evil queen – all these and more can be found in The Warble, an enchanting tale of adventure and friendship. Twelve-year-old Kristina Kingsly feels like the most unpopular girl in her school. The kids all tease her, and she never seems to fit in. But when Kristina .

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    The Medallion (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 3) Kindle Edition ~ The Medallion (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 3) - Kindle edition by Simcox, Victoria. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Medallion (The Bernovem Chronicles Book 3).

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