Beschreibung Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival (English Edition). For readers of The Boy Who Dared and Prisoner B-3087, a collection of unforgettable true stories of children hidden away during World War II.Jaap Sitters was only eight years old when his mother cut the yellow stars off his clothes and sent him, alone, on a fifteen-mile walk to hide with relatives. It was a terrifying night, one he would never forget. Before the end of the war, he would hide in secret rooms and behind walls. He would suffer from hunger, sickness, and the looming threat of Nazi raids. But he would live.This is just one of the true stories told in Hidden Like Anne Frank, a collection of eye-opening first-person accounts that share the experience of going into hiding to escape the Holocaust. Some were just toddlers when they were hidden; some were teenagers. Some hid with neighbors or family, while many were with complete strangers. But all know the pain of losing their homes, their families, even their own names. They describe the secret network that kept them safe. And they share the coincidences and close calls that made all the difference.
Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival by ~ Hidden Life Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival is by Marcel Prins and Peter Henk Steenhuis. It is a book of stories of people in the Netherlands who went into hiding to escape capture by the Nazis. Unlike Anne Frank, most of them were not found but were liberated at the end of the war. The stories are full of emotion. You can sense their fear and especially the loneliness and confusion .
Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival ~ This is just one of the true stories told in Hidden Like Anne Frank, a collection of eye-opening first-person accounts that share the experience of going into hiding to escape the Holocaust. Some were just toddlers when they were hidden; some were teenagers. Some hid with neighbors or family, while many were with complete strangers. But all know the pain of losing their homes, their families .
: Customer reviews: Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Editions of Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of ~ Editions for Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival: 0545543622 (Hardcover published in 2014), (Kindle Edition published in 2014), 054568796.
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Anne Frank / Biography & Facts / Britannica ~ Anne Frank, Jewish girl whose diary of her familyâs years in hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands is a classic of war literature. After being discovered by the Gestapo in 1944, the Franks were sent to concentration camps, and Anne died in Bergen-Belsen in 1945. Her diary was published two years later.
Real Life Stories - True Stories, True Life Stories ~ You've got to read it to believe it! These true stories seem almost too good to be true, but we promise that we couldn't make these up. From love to loss and from survival to unbelieavable .
Home / Anne Frank House ~ The official website of the Anne Frank House, with the most complete and up-to-date information about Anne Frank, her diary, and the Secret Annex. Visit our museum and read more about our educational activities across the world.
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Anne Frank - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ Annelies Marie Frank (12 June 1929 in Frankfurt am Main â February 1945 in Bergen-Belsen) is one of the most famous Jewish people who died in the Holocaust. Her diary is seen as a classic in war literature, and is one of the most widely read books today. Several plays and movies have been made about it.. Anne was born in the city Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany.
Anne Frank - Wikipedia ~ Anne Frank was selected as one of the "Heroes & Icons", and the writer, Roger Rosenblatt, described her legacy with the comment, "The passions the book ignites suggest that everyone owns Anne Frank, that she has risen above the Holocaust, Judaism, girlhood and even goodness and become a totemic figure of the modern worldâthe moral individual mind beset by the machinery of destruction .
List of people associated with Anne Frank - Wikipedia ~ Anne Frank (12 June 1929 â February 1945) was a German-born Jewish girl who, along with her family and four other people, hid in the second and third floor rooms at the back of her father's Amsterdam company during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.Helped by several trusted employees of the company, the group of eight survived in the achterhuis (literally "back-house", usually .
The diary / Anne Frank House ~ Anne didnât just keep a diary. She also wrote tales and planned to publish a book about her time in the Secret Annex. After the war, Otto Frank fulfilled her wish. Since then, Anne Frank's diary has been translated into more than 70 languages. Discover the story behind the diary of Anne Frank.
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Otto Frank / Anne Frank House ~ Translations into French, German and English were soon to follow. . Fritzi already had a daughter, Eva, who was born in 1929, just like Anne. Otto remained closely involved with the Anne Frank House, which was founded to preserve Prinsengracht 263 and its annex. Of course, he was present at the opening of the Anne Frank House on 3 May 1960. He spoke only briefly, as his emotions overpowered .
Who was Anne Frank? / Anne Frank House ~ Anneâs first years. Anne Frank was born in the German city of Frankfurt am Main in 1929. Anneâs sister Margot was three years her senior. Unemployment was high and poverty was severe in Germany, and it was the period in which Adolf Hitler and his party were gaining more and more supporters.
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BĂŒcher bei Google Play ~ The 2017 edition of this essential companion to the Harry Potter stories included a new foreword from J.K. Rowling (writing as Newt Scamander) and 6 new beasts! A set textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since publication, Newt Scamander's masterpiece has entertained wizarding families through the generations. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an indispensable .
The Diary of a Young Girl - Wikipedia ~ The Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank, is a book of the writings from the Dutch-language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.The family was apprehended in 1944, and Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.
Anne Frank / Anne Frank House ~ Due to the Dutch governmentâs measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Anne Frank House will be closed until 19 November 2020.
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Zlata's Diary - Wikipedia ~ A 1995 edition of Zlata's Diary. Zlata's Diary (ISBN 0-14-024205-8) is a non-fiction book by Zlata FilipoviÄ, who was a young girl living in Sarajevo while it was under siege. Background. Zlata Filipovic was born on 3 December 1980. She lived in Sarajevo before the Bosnian war started. During the war, Zlata kept a diary from 1991 to 1993. Like Anne Frank, she also gave a name to her diary .
The Diary of Anne Frank (The Definitive Edition) Kindle ~ The Diary of Anne Frank (The Definitive Edition) - Kindle edition by Frank, Anne. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Diary of Anne Frank (The Definitive Edition).