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    Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers Book 13) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers Book 13) (English Edition). Lily Toufar and her family arrive in Shanghai in 1938, having fled from Nazi-occupied Vienna and the persecution of Jewish families like theirs. Shanghai is a strange place for a young European girl, but it is one of the few places in the world to offer Jews refuge from the Holocaust. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and under pressure from Hitler, the Japanese government in Shanghai orders Jewish refugees to move into a ghetto in an area of Shanghai called Hongkew. Life changes for Lily and her family when they are forced to the ghetto. With little food to eat and poor sanitation, disease is rampant. Lily endures, but when rumors begin to circulate that the Japanese are going to open a camp like the ones where Jews are imprisoned in Europe, she fears for her and her family's safety. Based on a true story.

    Buch Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers Book 13) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Shanghai Escape Holocaust Remembrance Series by Kathy ~ Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series) by Kathy Kacer (2013-09-23) / Kathy Kacer / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series (13 ~ Shanghai is a strange place for this bright young girl. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and under pressure from Hitler, the Japanese government in Shanghai has ordered Jewish refugees to move into a ghetto in an area of Shanghai called Hongkew. There is little food to eat and poor sanitation, and disease is rampant. For Lily, life becomes grueling after her family is forced into the ghetto .

    Shanghai Escape Holocaust Remembrance By: Kacer, Kathy ~ [Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance)] [By: Kacer, Kathy] [September, 2013] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Shanghai Escape Holocaust Remembrance Book for Young ~ Shanghai Escape Holocaust Remembrance Book for Young Readers: : Kathy Kacer: Fremdsprachige Bücher

    Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young ~ Shanghai Escape (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers Book 13) eBook: Kathy Kacer: : Kindle Store

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