Beschreibung Red Axe, Black Sun: Sword and Sorcery (English Edition). Recommended for Sword & Sorcery fans! A breathtaking fantasy story of an ancient northern world with mystic places and gritty anti-hero type characters, including a complicated love story. Good writing, fun and easy to read with decent lore. “Wow! What a wild rollicking ride. Michael Karner has created a bleak, harsh and haunted world. I felt like I was back reading one of my old sword and sorcery tales. There is everything you could want here. Magic, warriors from exotic backgrounds, rebel’s fighting for survival, prophesy, death cults, tangled love and great action sequences. Wonderful characters, great atmosphere, intrigue and twists. I am looking forward to the next book. 4 out of 5 Stars.” – Leanne Ellis from Bloody Cake News “One action filled scene after another in a merciless world.” - Phil Witvliet from Grimdark Reader “Go give Mr Karner your money, trust me, he keeps at it, in a few years you will be hunting his books anyway, avoid the rush.” - Kevin KingFans of this book like mercenaries, dwarves, orcs, elves, necromancers, sorceresses and assorted other beasts and monsters. A sea battle and a siege as well as close fighting and bar fighting. Some political intrigue and treachery, a torture scene, a crypt scene and a sewer scene. The Plot: Dryston of Decia, a poisoned fighter, his ex-lover and sorceress Kyra Celeste and a girl with a death list tattoo will decide the fate of a whole world. Walking on a thin line between good and bad, survival and heroism, they struggle to solve the puzzle of secrets and conspiracies. In a war marking the end of time unpredictable magic, drugs, dead bodies, monsters and a secret plaster their ways and put feelings, loyalties and morals to the test. Will they find the man who is guilty of Dryston’s slow death? Is there a cure? With the fate of the world uncertain, prophecies told and legends rising, how will Dryston and his comrades decide the world’s fate? If you enjoy fast paced action with no filler, strong female characters and gritty anti-heroes then this book is for you!
Red Axe, Black Sun: Sword and Sorcery (English Edition ~ Red Axe, Black Sun: Sword and Sorcery (English Edition) eBook: Karner, Michael: : Kindle-Shop
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Red Axe, Black Sun by Michael Karner - Goodreads ~ Red Axe, Black Sun book. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Recommended for Sword & Sorcery fans. A breathtaking fantasy sto.
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